Haven’t plugged my new book, Anarchist Atheist Punk Rock Teacher, for a few minutes so figured I ought to remind you that if you haven’t read it yet, you should! https://www.earthislandbooks.com/product-page/anarchist-atheist-punk-rock-teacher-by-dan-mckee
#AnarchistAtheistPunkRockTeacher #Teaching #Education #Punk #Anarchism #TeamRE #book #memoir
#anarchistatheistpunkrockteacher #teaching #education #punk #anarchism #TeamRE #book #memoir
Today's teaching
About Shariah Law to Year 8.
How to answer an exam question on the Incarnation to Year 10
Kantian Ethics - Good Will, Maxims, Duties to Year 12
Secularism - to Year 13
#EduTooter #TeamRE
Today's teaching
About Shariah Law to Year 8.
How to answer an exam question on the Incarnation to Year 10
Kantian Ethics - Good Will, Maxims, Duties to Year 12
Secularism - to Year 13
#EduTooter #TeamRE
Hey, @ARD_Presse@twitter.com @ZDF@twitter.com, und wie schaut es bei euch aus?
RT @missdcox@twitter.com
The BBC are asking teachers to recommend programmes that have been broadcast in the past that they might re-run to support KS3/4 learning
To make life easier can you please submit here and I will give the @bbcbitesize@twitter.com access to see submissions