Hat jemand eigentlich von euch mit #RustDesk Erfahrungen was #Selfhosting angeht, wie performant und gut das funktioniert?
Hätte da nämlich im Kopf künftig bei einer befreundeten Firma deren #Teamviewer Lizenz zu ersetzen die gute 2k im Jahr kostet im „Angebot“.
#boost #followerpower #sysadmins #sysadmin #opensource #remote #session #fernwartung
#RustDesk #selfhosting #TeamViewer #boost #followerpower #sysadmins #sysadmin #opensource #remote #session #Fernwartung
How to Install TeamViewer on Ubuntu & Linux Mint
TeamViewer is an application that lets you access other computers remotely so you can modify, maintain, or manage them wherever you are, as though you were actually there. Better yet, the app works with all major platforms: Windows, macOS, and Linux (also in limited forms on iOS and Android too). You can use TeamViewer to transfer files to/from a remote computer and host; chat in real time with its users; sync clipboard contents, and more. TeamViewer is also simple to use: you install the app on both computers, then connect using the unique ID and password the app generates. While :sys_more_orange:
#HowTo #RemoteDesktopSession #Teamviewer
:sys_omgubuntu: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/06/how-to-install-teamviewer-in-ubuntu
#howto #RemoteDesktopSession #TeamViewer
是时候加速了💪 很荣幸第一次带着 #TeamViewer 在摩纳哥参加正赛! 🤝 :sys_video: 梅赛德斯-AMG_F1车队的微博视频
:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/7466310624/KgPFowFpU
Beste gauzen artean, honegatik ere ez da gomendagarria #TeamViewer erabiltzea [ESP]: Vulnerabilidad crítica en Teamviewer, deja claves en el registro http://blog.segu-info.com.ar/2020/02/vulnerabilidad-critica-en-teamviewer.htm via @seguinfo@twitter.com