let's fucking go
RT @SplatoonNA
With a flawless 45p score, #TeamWater hits like a Hydro Pump and captures the #Splatfest win!
Thanks to all the Inklings, Octolings, and Trainers who laid down ink for their favorite Pokémon type!
RT @SplatoonNA@twitter.com
With a flawless 45p score, #TeamWater hits like a Hydro Pump and captures the #Splatfest win!
Thanks to all the Inklings, Octolings, and Trainers who laid down ink for their favorite Pokémon type!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SplatoonNA/status/1591980735635791872
I don’t know who you guys were but I wish the map didn’t update, you guys were the best team I had so far. Like, super fun people and I hope we can team up again this splatfest!
#splatoon #splatoon3 #Splatfest #TeamWater #Bigman #nintendo
#splatoon #splatoon3 #splatfest #TeamWater #bigman #nintendo