Got this book from my local library earlier today #Rushkoff #TechBillionaires #ClimateChange
#rushkoff #TechBillionaires #ClimateChange
Got this book from my local library earlier today #Rushkoff #TechBillionaires #ClimateChange
#rushkoff #TechBillionaires #ClimateChange
Peter Thiel ist weder der reichste noch der bekannteste Silicon-Valley-Milliardär, aber sicherlich der gefährlichste. Dieses knapp 15-minütige Filmchen des @ZDF stellt ihn vor:
Chef der #Paypal-Mafia, erster #Facebook-Investor, #Palantir-Mitbegründer, #Trump-Spender … viele wissen das.
Da es kein eingekauftes Filmchen ist, hätte ich erwartet, dass ein Bezug zur EU oder D hergestellt wird. Wer weiß schon, dass Palantir dank Hessen-Innenminister Peter Beuth durch #HessenData Zugriff auf interne Polizeidatenbanken hat?
Das steht in der Wikipedia, weil es dafür 2019 einen der deutschen #BigBrotherAwards gab – es hätte sich also leicht recherchieren lassen:
Erst im Februar 2023 stellte das #BVerfG fest, dass dieser Einsatz der Palantir-Software #Gotham in #Hessen verfassungswidrig ist:,urteil-bundesverfassungsgericht-hessendata-100.html
#PeterThiel #Thiel #bba19 #Massenüberwachung #TechBillionaires
#TechBillionaires #massenuberwachung #bba19 #thiel #peterthiel #hessen #gotham #bverfg #bigbrotherawards #hessendata #trump #palantir #facebook #paypal
The idea for this blogpost came from watching a video on Reddit about fentanyl addiction in Philadelphia and the death of a homeless man on Molesworth Street in December 2014. If we are unwilling to help the weak and vulnerable in society how are we prepared to tackle the wider issues of climate change and species loss.
#HousingCrisis #ClimateCrisis #TechBillionaires
#housingcrisis #climatecrisis #TechBillionaires
A #BookSeller I used to work for once said to me that if the #ebook would have been the norm, the invention of the #PrintingPress and the #PaperBook would today still be hailed as a major innovation. That was in the '00s. It's all the more relevant today, and it's why I still love this little clip from 12 years ago, treating the #Book exactly in this way. And mocking #TechBillionaires on the go!
#TechBillionaires #book #paperbook #printingpress #ebook #bookseller
This idea for this blogpost came from watching a video on Reddit about fentanyl addiction in Philadelphia and the death of a homeless man on Molesworth Street in December 2014. If we are unwilling to help the weak and vulnerable in society how are we prepared to tackle the wider issues of climate change and species loss.
#HousingCrisis #ClimateCrisis #TechBillionaires
#housingcrisis #climatecrisis #TechBillionaires
> ... the wealthiest people on the planet appear to be rather small-minded idiot savants who share a common disdain for the rest of us... “their education about the future comes from zombie movies and science fiction shows.”... the question that vexes them most of all is how, in a disastrous future, will they control the guards.. to protect their hoardings, then our economic system is a farce.
#TechBillionaires #TechBros #SonaliKolhatkar #DouglasRushkoff #CounterPunch
#counterpunch #douglasrushkoff #sonalikolhatkar #techbros #TechBillionaires