La questione "strumenti per scrivere e mantenere la documentazione" è praticamente chiusa. Alla fine ho optato per #asciidoc che è una favola da usare e fa tutto quello che ci serve (grazie ad #asciidoctor). Il team ha approvato e gradito e io mi sono divertito un mondo a fare prove, creare temi e piccoli script in #bash per facilitarne la conversione. Ho imparato un bel po' di cose e mi sono divertito. Vorrei che fosse sempre così!
Grazie a TUTTI per i suggerimenti! ❤️
#asciidoc #asciidoctor #bash #TechDocs #docs
Buongiorno (un po' assonnato stamattina) !
Volevo ringraziare TUTTI voi che ieri mi avete dato suggerimenti riguardo al miglior modo per poter redigere, mantenere ed eportare documentazione tecnica ( cfr. )!
Non ho ancora completamente risolto ma grazie a voi ho fatto grandi passi avanti e scoperto TANTE cose interessanti!
Mastodon e la sua comunità si confermano ancora una volta l'incarnazione del social sano!
Vote for your favorite logo | Logseq Blog
#docsplanet #TechDocs #notetaking
Logo contest ends Friday! | Logseq Blog
#docsplanet #TechDocs #notetaking
Developer folks....
If you want to describe that a project has been fixed for all the errors found by a static analysis tool up to a certain level, how would you say it?
"This project is ______ for #PHPStan level 6."
- fixed
- valid
- passing
- correct
- ?
Logseq Logo Community Contest Extended by a Week | Logseq Blog
#docsplanet #TechDocs #notetaking
Join the Logseq Logo Community Contest and Unleash Your Creative Genius | Logseq Blog
#docsplanet #TechDocs #notetaking
Just noticed that Microsoft now marks docs written with the AI assistance with the following note. Also, they have formulated principles for using AI-generated content in docs. For example, authors are using AI only to augment their writing process not substitute. #ai #techdocs WDYT?
Whiteboards and Live Queries for Everybody! [0.9.1 Update] | Logseq Blog
#docsplanet #TechDocs #notetaking
Taxonomy | The Tech Scribe's Blog
Newsletter #14: A Better PDF Reader, Sync, Whiteboards, and New Community Creations | Logseq Blog
#docsplanet #TechDocs #notetaking
How I built and deployed this site | Aaron Collier's Blog
CSS Animation Tutorial | The Tech Scribe's Blog
Convert image format using Python | The Tech Scribe's Blog
#DocsPlanet #TechDocs
Documenting a Design System | Aaron Collier's Blog
#DocsPlanet #TechDocs
Frontend Design Engineer Position | Logseq Blog
#DocsPlanet #TechDocs #NoteTaking
#docsplanet #TechDocs #notetaking
Is this thing on? hello world… I’ll start with the hashtags: #viola and 5-string #violin playing #ebook #dogmom #catmom #TechDocs #edTech #chambermusic #library #libraryrat wife to marathon #guitar player. Yep. Think that covers it.
#guitar #libraryrat #library #chambermusic #edTech #TechDocs #catmom #dogmom #eBook #violin #viola
Just submitted my very first #Mastodon docs pull requests ! #MastoDocs #TechnicalWriting #TechDocs
#TechDocs #technicalwriting #mastodocs #mastodon
I'm Carolyn Van Slyck, a developer at #Microsoft, and I work in #OpenSource, building developer tools and sustainable inclusive communities around them. 🌈
I write code all day but also love geeking out on #DevEx , #TechDocs with excessive commas, and tricking people into collaborating with me on projects.
I'm excited to learn what people are up to, boosting cat pics, and communicating through movie references, emoji, and gifs.
#microsoft #opensource #devex #TechDocs #introduction
Excellent article...
#TechDocs #documentation #technicalwriting #software #api