Was live on the #TechstrongTV stream from #KubeConEU last Friday morning, chatting with Alan about all things #cloudnative #observability and #chronosphereio! #o11y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W69Dpn-C9HI&t=2370s
#TechStrongTV #kubeconeu #cloudnative #observability #chronosphereio #o11y
Lovely chat at #TechstrongTV this morning live from #KubeConEU talking #cloudnative #observability and #chronosphereio! #o11y
#TechStrongTV #kubeconeu #cloudnative #observability #chronosphereio #o11y
Catch rock star retired SRE @paigerduty on #TechstrongTV for SRE Journey: Pushing Change to an Organization – The SRE Show EP 9, must listen and watch TV! #podcast #observability #sre #o11y https://techstrong.tv/videos/the-sre-show/sre-journey-pushing-change-to-an-organization-the-sre-show-ep-9
#TechStrongTV #podcast #observability #sre #o11y