Mollycoddled, the stew in her hands, another gift from her fawning mother-in-law, Aoife. Molly #coddled the stew in her hands, a warm gift from her fawning mother-in-law, Aoife. Molly, coddled - the stew meme - another gif from her fawning mother-in-law!
#coddled #TechniqueTues #vss365
Sarah's grandfather turned his storied, storied face towards her.
Kind, dark eyes smiled at her; his deep winkles were lines in his autobiography, an autobiography that told a tale of hardship, and love, and redemption.
Now, it was time to share it with Sarah.
The dying man's sudden faith was as transparent as the well-thumbed pages of the Bible he had been given, which he now clutched desperately to his chest...
The octogenarian professor's mind was like a derelict library: full of books replete with wisdom, now fallen to the floor from once study shelves.
Like a sycamore seed, wherever life hurled her, somehow she managed to float back down to earth with such grace.
"Brian, put out the effing bin! It's stinkier than a gorilla's G-string!"
Having struggled through the storm, wishing he had on his trusty galoshes, Desmond was wetter then a blue whale's bumbag...
The simile wriggled out of his grasp like an oiled slow worm clutched at by a pair of petroleum-jelly-covered marigolds.
He searched for her heart which, like a sunken treasure chest, was a bounty he refused to give up on, despite the dark depths to which it took his soul.
The poet's words caught in his mind and gleamed like Dawn's dewy pearls suspended from the silvery gossamer of the spider's web.
πΈ wildboyzphotography
Her embrace was like the touch of freshly laundered sheets: cool and slightly stiff to begin with, before surrendering to my warmth.
He trod as gingerly as if he were traversing the brittle ice of a frozen lake. One misstep and he risked plunging them both into the deathly chill of her ice-burning wrath.
Like cold butter, on warm toast she slowly melted in his presence. In the end, she oozed into him, her golden hair spread butter-curling onto his chest.
there you are
a space
to grace
this empty
a hole
the mole
in disgrace
an apostrophe
in the air
a stolen whisper
a space-time tear
the centre of
an empty
the play's
the thing
to bring him in
there you're
a knot
#TechniqueTues #personification
Midnight invitation,
from sky
secrets a waltz
soft whispers
of moonlight..
#TechniqueTues #personification
Tempestuous Earth
wails at her scars;
arterial mines,
deep injections
into her fossil dermis,
bleed profits
into the pockets
of the few.
Enslave her at your peril,
She will not β cannot β
be contained:
a harness not a chain
is what she needs.
She glanced at the stranger. She vaguely remembered meeting him in the halcyon haze of the sweet beerafter, but everything between that moment and this, when she had woken up with a bangover, a curious combination of post alcoholic headache and shame, was a blur.
Frankenwords that blisterpop, compounded by brainjuice.
Get out your spork and gobble them up, before you twerk with joyfizz.