Uncommon Valour (1983)
There is no shortage of missing in action prisoner of war movies from the 80’s, however, featuring a terrific cast and a director of note Uncommon Valour is far from your typical ‘Nam action.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #FredWard #GeneHackman #HaroldSylvester #PatrickSwayze #RebBrown #TedKotcheff #TexCobb #TimThomerson #UncommonValour
#uncommonvalour #timthomerson #texcobb #TedKotcheff #rebbrown #patrickswayze #haroldsylvester #GeneHackman #fredward #reviews #moviestuffs
Behind the Scenes - First Blood - 1982
#sylvesterstallone #firstblood #rambo #johnrambo #behindthescenes #film #movie #tedkotcheff
#sylvesterstallone #firstblood #rambo #johnrambo #behindthescenes #film #movie #TedKotcheff
Da Tom Joad a Capitol Hill, passando per Rambo e Rocky https://www.carmillaonline.com/2021/03/04/da-tom-joad-a-capitol-hill-passando-per-rambo-e-rocky/ #Lacorrierastravagante #MakeAmericagreatagain #ItalianStallion #eroeproletario #JohnG.Avildsen #Milieuedizioni #PrettyBoyFloyd #TheExpendables #JohnSteinbeck #VicoloCannery #DavidMorrell #DiegoGabutti #HarveyKeitel #PaulSchrader #RichardPryor #WoodyGuthrie #CapitolHill #DonaldTrump #GrandeCrisi #TedKotcheff #WallyFerris #Recensioni #bluecollar
#bluecollar #recensioni #WallyFerris #TedKotcheff #grandecrisi #donaldtrump #capitolhill #woodyguthrie #RichardPryor #paulschrader #HarveyKeitel #diegogabutti #DavidMorrell #VicoloCannery #johnsteinbeck #theexpendables #PrettyBoyFloyd #Milieuedizioni #JohnG #eroeproletario #ItalianStallion #makeamericagreatagain #Lacorrierastravagante