You can't be passionate and full of devotion if you don't allow and acknowledge all the variations of your emotions.
Text is own thought and requires consent for use, as well as the photo
#Mittwoch #GedankenAmMittwoch #Mittagszitat #wednesday #detaillover #BlackAndWhite #fineart #monochrom #Akt #nude #partnude #Teilakt #fishnet #detail
#detail #fishnet #Teilakt #partnude #nude #akt #monochrom #fineart #BlackAndWhite #detaillover #wednesday #mittagszitat #gedankenammittwoch #mittwoch
All the thoughts that aren't really mine - the ones that are brought up, imposed, handed over from the outside - I no longer let them enter me, no longer take them over, don't make them mine. I stay with and in me.
#Freitag #fensterfreiag #fensterfoto #friday #WindowFriday #funeart #Akt #teilakt #BlackAndWhite #schwarzweissfotografie #lostplace #Fenster #nude #Model
#model #nude #fenster #lostplace #schwarzweissfotografie #BlackAndWhite #Teilakt #akt #funeart #WindowFriday #friday #fensterfoto #fensterfreiag #freitag
My weaknesses can also be my strengths, I just have to change my perspective a bit and move away from comparisons.
#Donnerstag #thursday #donnerstagsbild #schwarzweissfoto #schwarzweissportrait
#beauty #model #partnude #Teilakt #schwarzweissportrait #schwarzweissfoto #donnerstagsbild #thursday #donnerstag