Why would a fresher who was working in Persistant Systems put these email address' on his code to demo something called 'Fake Twitter'?
That is just the first question - there should be more.
My ask to wire from #TekFog days - was to put evidence in public. It still remains
I found some material on Interwebs - something that looked like an 'early prototype' of TekFog and demo of which was mailed to interesting set of people. I put this out and asked for follow up by anyone.
RT @logic
There is a pending follow up on #TekFog - that can still cover some ground to strengthen the case - which Wire probably is never interested. If you have some bandwidth - do DM.
You just need to email a set of interesting fol…
There is now some material questioning the truthfulness of screenshots used in #TekFog https://twitter.com/Banbreach/status/1584176336800661504
But doesn't that mean - #TekFog / professional troll farms are non-existant and there is no truth in entire series?
I don't believe so - Truth is somewhere middle.
RT @Banbreach
#TekFog is a forgery.
Here's what we found:
Disclosing upfront, I wrote 3 stories (op-ed) pieces for #CashlessConsumer on digital payments.
The most recent one mentioned #TekFog in pass by manner - while trying to convey impact of payments data disclosure by Razorpay.
This thread and I have few more things to say on @The_Wire episode, specifically on #TekFog. So a 🧵
RT @mrajshekhar
I have something to say.
For days now, I have listened to folks accuse @thewire_in and @svaradarajan of bad journalism.
Not to mention a whole lot of lamenting about how its newsroom has lost all its credibility. #1
There is a pending follow up on #TekFog - that can still cover some ground to strengthen the case - which Wire probably is never interested. If you have some bandwidth - do DM.
You just need to email a set of interesting folks.
Remember #TekFog tactic of Whatsapp hijack? #KillerLoanApps harrasers are now using the same tactic of using WA hijacked numbers for extortion. cc @iam_anandv
@WhatsApp has a serious problem here
#TekFog, l'app con cui in India si zittisce il dissenso. Sul serio? 15' di lettura per capirne un po' di più. O un po' di meno.
India: il governo utilizza l'app #TekFog per amplificare la propaganda, dirottare le tendenze di Twitter, effettuare campagne di phishing sfruttando account WhatsApp inattivi e utilizzare DB con informazioni private dei cittadini per rispondere ai commenti sui social in base alle loro caratteristiche (impiego religione lingua età sesso orientamento politico e attributi fisici). Il tutto, cancellando gli account utilizzati senza lasciare alcuna traccia.
via @eticadigitale
[#Article] Ciblages-profil, détournement de mots-clef, re-mappage, stockage-données… quand une enquête met en lumière le brouillard entretenu par l’ #application #TekFog !
#article #application #TekFog #PersistentSystems #ShareChat #securite #data #vieprivee
Even I'm appalled by this! I don't know how this RW ecosystem is even defending this act.
Can't help but think they are all fake accounts tasked by #TekFog to create counter narrative.
RT @shreyadhoundial@twitter.com
After 50 years , The Eternal Flame , Amar Jawan Jyoti At India Gate Will be Extinguished Tomorrow.
A Part of the Flame Will be Carried to the National War Memorial and Merged With the Eternal Flame There.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/shreyadhoundial/status/1484153550154330113
The #TekFog investigation story.
I have absolutely no doubt that this system is real and operational.
There is NO system that cannot be hacked, given enough resources and the right reward.
And the rewards here are enormous.
RT @onosmosis@twitter.com
.@KaulAyushman@twitter.com and I have met only once outside a local market in Noida, before the #TekFog investigation. Because of COVID, we couldn’t meet anytime after. We don’t know much about each other, likes or dislikes, nor have any common friends.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/onosmosis/status/1482477755094933504
Has anyone noticed that after the #TekFog expose, the number of vile "numbers in the handle" accounts has dropped? Guessing that the system has some AI learning mechanism too.
Demo of (now fixed) XSS vuln on @LiveLawIndia website. The #TekFog story showed it on @ThePrintIndia website.
RT @squeal
A demonstration of the content modification capabilities revealed as part of @thewire_in's Tek Fog investigation series. The page content and URL were modified by taking advantage of a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability present on the @LiveLawIndia website.
The critique on #TekFog investigation is a non-technical one and is with confirmation bias because.
"the startup’s CEO is my college batchmate and I was at the hackathon where the three founders started building things together."
Doesn't note XSS vuln that @squeal @64_BlT proved
RT @PySamarth
.@thewire_in's TekFog investigation has glaring holes. Claims fall apart on closer scrutiny.
Failures in this reporting point to a critical,…
Indická vláda dle investigativy využívala aplikaci #TekFog k automatizaci hejtu svých oponentů, k hackování WhatsApp účtů a rozesílání zpráv kontaktům, i ke "znárodňování" hashtagů. Kyberšikana novinářů, aktivistů, žen; tlačení vládních narativů. A to je jen to, na co se přišlo.
RT @onosmosis
Women of Twitter, here is a secret. If you're getting abused/trolled daily, please remove yourself from all Twitter Lists. This is the feature which is used to mobilize troll accounts against you. The abuse will not stop, but it will definitely reduce. #TekFog @thewire_in
RT @therealnaomib@twitter.com
What happens online does *not* stay online.
Why does Kapil Mishra get so much push from #TekFog's artificial amplification for his hate and fake news? Why does OpIndia's rubbish get so much circulation through these channels?
Who is paying for hate to go viral? https://twitter.com/thewire_in/status/1481936680290762755
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/therealnaomib/status/1481953868074582019