A goofy trend 30 years ago was to take a special paint pen and color the outside edge of your CD’s to make them “sound better”. It was nothing more than a snake oil salesman pitch to get you to waste your money. In this Telemann collection I picked up at a thrift store today, someone accidentally colored outside the lines. #Cd #compactdisc #Telemann
#GeorgPhilippTelemann 1681 – 1767)
#Sonata in A minor for Violin & B.c TWV 41:a1
(In 6 Sonates à violon seul accompagné par le clavessin (No.5), 1715))
I. Allemanda (Largo)
II. Corrente (Vivace)
III. Sarabanda
IV. Giga
#BorisBegelman #Violin
#AlexandraKoreneva #Harpsichord
#LudovicoMinasi #Cello
#classicalmusic #galantmusic #musik #music #musique #musica #Telemann
#Telemann #musica #musique #music #musik #galantmusic #classicalmusic #cello #ludovicominasi #harpsichord #alexandrakoreneva #violin #borisbegelman #sonata #georgphilipptelemann
Day 3 of #100DaysOfPractice was pretty quick, since it is the #4thOfJuly!
Today I worked on #Telemann for two Violas… actually on my #Viola!
#100daysofpractice #4thofjuly #Telemann #viola
For me though, it's a Telemann Saturday and a time before time, certainly before internal combustion engines!
#TelemannSaturday #Telemann
Molt #BonDia! #ElefantetsVintage 🙋♀️ Avui no hem sento ni #Bach ni #Telemann 😋 Però com és festiu, em ve de gust #barroc i m'he decidit per #Purcell 😄
Per cert, aquí la nova inversió en àudio d'un servidor 🤔 Relació qualitat/àudio/preu semblen ideals 🤗 Ja vos contaré.
#bondia #bach #Telemann #Barroc #purcell #elefantetsvintage
No sabria dir per què, però els matins de dissabte em sento #Telemann i els de #diumenge, #Bach 😊
Òbvia i conseqüentment acaben per conformar la meua matinera banda sonora del cap de setmana 😌
#BonDia 🙋♀️ #EnefantetsVintage 🎻
#Telemann #diumenge #bach #bondia #enefantetsvintage
Right now, Wienand, Kamp, Heutjer, Steger and La Cetra Basel play #Bach and #Telemann in #Vienna https://buff.ly/43VVec0 #wch
In 20 minutes, Wienand, Kamp, Heutjer, Steger and La Cetra Basel play #Bach and #Telemann in #Vienna https://buff.ly/43VVec0 #wch
Today, Wienand, Kamp, Heutjer, Steger and La Cetra Basel play #Bach and #Telemann in #Vienna
https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/wienand_kamp_heutjer_steger_and_la_cetra_basel_play_bach_and_telemann_in_vienna/75294/ #wch
Right now, #Telemann Competition Winners' Concert from #Magdeburg https://pst.cr/tF9Lh #wch
In 15 minutes, #Telemann Competition Winners' Concert from #Magdeburg https://pst.cr/tF9Lh #wch
Today, #Telemann Competition Winners' Concert from #Magdeburg https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/telemann_competition_winners_concert_from_magdeburg/74795/ #wch