I finished a six-month temperature blanket (Jan-Jun 2023 Oulu) in crochet linen stitch. Size is roughly 170 cm x 145 cm (1.704 kg). The edges are wavy, but I'm satisfied with the weight, size, and colours. I've got a second one in the works, and hopefully I've learned from my mistakes with the edges. #crochet #TemperatureBlanket #FiberArt
#crochet #TemperatureBlanket #FiberArt
Two months in and caught up after a delayed start to my #TemperatureBlanket project. Started one, thought two different colour palettes would be more fun, then realised, due to not calculating the gauge ahead of time, I'll end up with four 6-month blankets (to keep the size useable). #WIP #crochet #crocheting #Wetterhoff #Tuukka #WoolYarn
#TemperatureBlanket #wip #crochet #crocheting #wetterhoff #tuukka #woolyarn
A little update from my recent project.
January's done.
I'm so happy with what the blanket already looks like. :artsits:
#wip #crochet #TemperatureBlanket
This is my Temperature Dress, all up to date. The October/November weather has been v boring, as the big swathe of Magenta around thigh level attests. From the knitting point of view, I'll be glad when it gets chillier and I can go back to knitting with blues.
#Knitting #WorkInProgress #TemperatureDress #TemperatureBlanket #CastOnMastodon
#knitting #workinprogress #TemperatureDress #TemperatureBlanket #CastonMastodon
BTW have I told anyone on here I’m working on a #TemperatureBlanket ? I’ve been posting updates on twitter but I’ll be sure to post on here too https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFPxon5u/. I started my blanket in July because that’s my birthday month & most things started in the New year near really take off!
So, my current work in progress is a temperature dress (like a #TemperatureBlanket, but I didn't need a blanket, and I can always use a new dress).
Left-hand pic is how it was in June, right-hand pic is from the start of October. Confession time: it's stalled in the last couple of weeks. Maybe posting here will give me some Internet Accountability, and I'll back onto it now.
I'm on Ravelry: https://www.ravelry.com/people/MissBeaCurtis, if anyone's interested.
#Knitting #WorkInProgress
#TemperatureBlanket #knitting #workinprogress