@jhx You asked for it, so I'll answer it:
Imho, C++ design is broken from the very beginning. It wanted to provide #OOP language constructs, still maintaining full #C compatibility (which already failed many years ago, cause the languages took different roads).
It combines #exceptions (IMHO generally a bad idea) with explicit resource management (an *awful* idea, forcing you to use #RAII which will in turn mandate creation of purely "technical" classes, just to manage resources).
It wanted #generics, but that's impossible without breaking C compatibility, so it came up with #templates, actually a #preprocessor on steroids.
Overloading also doesn't fit into the simple C library ABI (where #linker symbols are named just like the function), so it came up with "name mangling" ... which is especially horrific because it is *not* standardized.
Ah well, I could go on 😂
#oop #c #exceptions #raii #generics #Templates #preprocessor #linker
I have made/ cobbled together a few simple sites using #hugo and sub module templates before. Today I got into the nitty gritty of making #templates and extending Hugo functionality with dynamic data. This #golang based static site generator seems pretty amazing to me. I am excited to complete a few major projects with this.
So, looking through old websites, one of the things that grieves me is how similar sites look now. Most people just throw something into Wordpress, or something else that's heavily templated. It doesn't give websites much visual distinction from each other.
(I don't exempt Set Side B from this, but we're still pretty young and Phil has said he's wanted to do something custom for it.)
#oldweb #webdesign #wordpress #templates
#oldweb #webdesign #wordpress #Templates
#Qubes / #QubesOS is a Xen #Hypervisor based #OS which ultimately is #platform independent, something the creator addresses herself in this video.
Joanna Rutkowska: "Qubes OS: towards reasonably secure & trustworthy personal computing"
There are #Fedora, #Debian & #Whonix #Linux #templates native but you can run anything inside of Qubes OS.
#qubes #qubesos #hypervisor #os #platform #fedora #debian #whonix #linux #Templates #infosec #security #xenhypervisor #isolation
#Qubes / #QubesOS is a #Xen #Hypervisor based #OS which ultimately is #platform independent, something the creator addresses herself in this video.
Joanna Rutkowska: "Qubes OS: towards reasonably secure & trustworthy personal computing"
There are #Fedora and #Debian #templates native but you can run anything inside of #QubesOS.
#qubes #qubesos #xen #hypervisor #os #platform #Fedora #debian #Templates
#NewSetup #AndroidSetup #widgets #android13 #RajjAryaa #springkwgt #eduardob5to #icons #gleamplum #knocksamsummer #Wall #almopack #Templates #nalankang1 #andro_idfans #SmartLauncher #KustomSetup
#NewSetup #AndroidSetup #widgets #appleforkwgt #RajjAryaa #minimalkwgt #android_output #icons #orangedude #kyawthihaphyo #sreeragag7 #Wall #pinterest #Templates #andro_idfans #SmartLauncher #KustomSetup
#NewSetup #AndroidSetup #widgets #appleforkwgt #RajjAryaa #minimalkwgt #icons #orangedude #kyawthihaphyo #sreeragag7 #Wall #pinterest #Templates #andro_idfans #SmartLauncher #KustomSetup
#NewSetup #AndroidSetup #widgets #clowdy #zeffisetups #icons #chromatic #thirdtemple #innovation #discord #Wall #pinterest #Templates #nalankang #pashapuma1 #andro_idfans #SmartLauncher #KustomSetup
#NewSetup #AndroidSetup #toukankwgt #klwpteam #sbkomp #noir_arts #icons #glo #lkn9x #Templates #andro_idfans #SmartLauncher #KustomSetup
#Icons #WeatherKomp
#NewSetup #AndroidSetup #Widget #glassui #ahmadansari2233 #Wall #liveloop_walls #icons #weatherkomp #glazewisteria #knocksamsummer #Templates #andro_idfans #nalankang1 #shellpro #SmartLauncher #KustomSetup
#Icons #WeatherKomp
#NewSetup #AndroidSetup #Widget #glassui #ahmadansari2233 #Wall #liveloop_walls #icons #weatherkomp #glazewisteria #knocksamsummer #Templates #andro_idfans #nalankang1 #shellpro #SmartLauncher #KustomSetup
#NewSetup #AndroidSetup #Widget #miniismforkwgt #icons #past3l #Wall #wallipop #Templates #KustomSetup
#ScreenSetup #AndroidSetup #Wall #TapetApp #icons #Softy #Widget #BalloonKwgt #Templates #SmartLauncher #KustomSetup
Way too many people are allowed to create and define document #templates. 😒