One #tenant's rent is going from $900 to $1,995 per month. Another's is jumping from $1,050 to $2,495 per month. Could you afford an increase like that?
WTF?! #Landlords have become the unfeeling automatons we always knew them to be ever since they bred the #humanity and #compassion out of apartment #PropertyManagement. How do these "people" sleep at night? 😠
#Georgia #apartment complex plans to more than double #rent for #seniors next month
#iamdb #Money #greed #seniors #rent #apartment #Georgia #propertymanagement #compassion #Humanity #landlords #Tenant
Global News BC: Former Surrey co-op residents face eviction or steep rent hikes after land sold #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Co-OperativeHousing #b.c.landvalue #co-ophousing #B.C.Housing #surreyco-op #TotemCo-op #Politics #Eviction #Housing #Surrey #Tenant #Co-op #Totem #Rent
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #co #b #surreyco #totemco #politics #eviction #housing #surrey #Tenant #totem #rent
Zapraszamy do lektury tekstu o ostatnim sukcesie Akcji Lokatorskiej we Wrocławiu. Zwycięstwa małe czy duże sa niezmiernie ważne, więc czytajcie i inspirujcie sie do dalszej walki o swoje interesy.
We #invite you to #read the #text #about the recent #success of the #Tenant #Action in #Wrocław. #Victories, big or small, are extremely #important, so read and be #inspired to continue #fighting for your #interests.
#invite #read #text #about #success #Tenant #action #wroclaw #victories #important #inspired #fighting #interests #AusGov #politas #classwar #humanrights
Live in a large multi-story apartment. Leak in my bathroom ceiling for a few minutes nightly around 7-8pm. Shown maintenance video of the leak, but they haven't seen it firsthand because it occurs after their work hours. Maintenance tried running the shower and splashing water onto the wall for every apartment above mine and for the adjacent apartments above mine. They have not been able to find the source of the leak. Any ideas? #plumbing #help #tenant #apartment #leak #bathroom #plumber
#plumber #bathroom #Leak #apartment #Tenant #Help #plumbing
"Renters would be bound by the state’s #law governing the #tenant-#landlord relationship" called Chapter 83, which is "designed to benefit the landlord, period,” according to Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando.
Of course it would. They don't give a shit about renters. 🤬
#Florida #House moves to eliminate local #renters' #rights ordinances | Tampa Bay Times
#iamdb #rights #renters #house #Florida #landlord #Tenant #law
Global News BC: Rental data shows some municipalities not pulling their weight on new units, analyst says #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #metrovancouverrental #Vancouverhousing #housingshortage #Vancouverrental #richmondrental #housingcrisis #langleyrental #B.C.Housing #rentalunits #Vancouver #Housing #Canada #Rental #Tenant #Rent
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #metrovancouverrental #Vancouverhousing #housingshortage #vancouverrental #richmondrental #HousingCrisis #langleyrental #b #rentalunits #Vancouver #housing #Canada #rental #Tenant #rent
Global News BC: B.C. boosts funding for agency tasked with settling tenant-landlord disputes #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ResidentialTenancyBranch #ResidentialTenancyAct #landlorddispute #Tenants'rights #RentersRights #RentalRights #TenantRight #LandlordBC #rtbfunding #Landlords #Canada #Rental #Tenant #RTB
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ResidentialTenancyBranch #ResidentialTenancyAct #landlorddispute #Tenants #RentersRights #RentalRights #TenantRight #LandlordBC #rtbfunding #landlords #Canada #rental #Tenant #rtb
Seattle Solidarity Network (SeaSol) reports on successful campaign, which forced a landlord to move a family who had been suffering with mold damage in their apartment for years.
#ClassWar #Housing #HousingCrisis #Tenant #TenantOrganizing
Read Here:
#classwar #housing #housingcrisis #Tenant #TenantOrganizing
@baekdal That's absolutely ridiculous. Hopefully going through the history can help - are they contacting you via an agent or directly? Should be able to fill th eagents in and hopefully get some good #Renters advice...
#Tenant #Landlords #ALAB
#renters #Tenant #landlords #alab
#Tenant Organizing When Rising Rent Isn’t the (Main) Issue - #antireport - Read more: