Kotaku: OMG, Doctor Who Is Finally Going To Be Sexy https://kotaku.com/doctor-who-series-14-ncuti-gatwa-barbie-15th-doctor-1850582187 #gaming #tech #kotaku #christophereccleston #fourteenthdoctor #thirteenthdoctor #patricktroughton #williamhartnell #fifteenthdoctor #jodiewhittaker #twiceuponatime #twelfthdoctor #jonathangroff #milliegibson #petercapaldi #eighthdoctor #davidtennant #tenthdoctor #ncutigatwa #doctorwho #mattsmith #timelords #thedoctor #tennant #doctors #gatwa #house
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #ChristopherEccleston #fourteenthdoctor #ThirteenthDoctor #patricktroughton #williamhartnell #fifteenthdoctor #jodiewhittaker #twiceuponatime #twelfthdoctor #jonathangroff #milliegibson #PeterCapaldi #eighthdoctor #davidtennant #tenthdoctor #ncutigatwa #doctorwho #mattsmith #timelords #thedoctor #Tennant #doctors #gatwa #house
@DWMtweets sent the tweet - RT by @RadioFreeSkaro: Exclusive interview with returning composer Murray Gold in DWM 590, out this Thursday! #DrWho #Ncuti #Tennant #MurrayGold http://nitter.moomoo.me/DWMtweets/status/1650587016076181505#m
#drwho #ncuti #Tennant #MurrayGold
@DWMtweets sent the tweet - RT by @RadioFreeSkaro: DWM 588, on sale this Thursday, 2 March! #doctorwho #drwho #sja #Tennant #Sladen http://nitter.garudalinux.org/DWMtweets/status/1630175703302823936#m
#doctorwho #drwho #sja #Tennant #sladen
Did like #Staged - Happy New Year from David #Tennant & Michael #Sheen | #Staged https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WqXoGgP2l3U
Siis kaiken tämän Joonas Mastodontin hupeilun keskellä - mulle jotenkin iski nyt vasta tajuntaan, että #Tennant tekee paluun Tohtorina.
Se oli aivan 😍 ja vähän myös 🥰 vuosia sitten.
Nyt pelottaa ja jännittää että onko aika murtanut pinkit lasit ja sit se onki ihan vaan - meh. 😬
Toistaalta, seuraava kausi taitaa tulla vasta joskus 2023 lopulla.
I have come to regard taxonomy as a completely bogus construct. As for location, just give every object a GUID and use that.
File names and folders no longer do it for me. I know that I have the Inventor model and plans for my TARDIS somewhere on the NAS. But I did them seven years ago and I have dozens of folders with inventor files.
Folders force me to think about the hardware layer, which drive did I put something on? This is all stuff that should be handled automatically.
So what I really want is a fast label based search. And of course Windows, macOS and Linux are all equally hopeless. They don't have the affordances on save file for a start.
If I had saved the files with the #DRWHO#TARDIS and #prop labels. I could find them in seconds (if the UI was so stupid and didn't freeze to search the disks all the time, I have 220TB of data you stupid stupid machine).
The difference between folders and labels as I see it are that as currently implemented, folders are constrained terms in the UI, you either use an existing one or consciously create a new one. Labels are usually freeform. So I might have saved the plans as #TARDIS or #TENNANT-TARDIS
@mjackson He watched #Gracepointe first. I've seen neither - yet. They're both on my list.
Personally, I adore #Tennant w/a #Brogue, so I'll prob like Broadchurch more.