Terra Nil's soundtrack, composed by Meydan, is now available to stream on Spotify and Apple Music!
#terranil #ost #soundtrack
Recently a friend pointed out that there is no #solarpunk #cityPlanning #game , as in: one which wouldn't give you urban areas to rewild ( #TerraNil ) or a build from scratch, but an existing, flawed human city which would need to be redesigned and reorganized for #sustainability and #climatechange .
I understand how hard it would be to create such #games , but I think it would be very inspirational, especially with multiple realistic scenarios.
Or are we wrong, do they already exist?
#games #climatechange #sustainability #TerraNil #game #cityplanning #solarpunk
About a month or two ago, I played through Terra Nil, an excellent little puzzle game about reclaiming the wilderness from past human activity while also yourself leaving no trace you were ever there. I *think* I hit 100% completion, but at the very least, I had achieved all I wished to.
And then today, in need of a little extra HDD space, I decided to uninstall Terra Nil, at least for now. There must be some sort of beautiful irony in that, somewhere.
RT @OlivierBenis
Les Sim City et compagnie, c'est bien sympa... sauf si vous êtes éco-anxieux. Heureusement, il y a #TerraNil, le jeu de gestion où votre objectif est de sauver la nature sans laisser aucune trace de votre passage. https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/la-faute-aux-jeux-video/la-faute-aux-jeux-video-du-mardi-02-mai-2023-9185207 #LFAJV
An interesting #TerraNil #game review:
"Technology is the solution, proposes Terra Nil. But we’ve heard that — and laughed at it — before. Offloading the responsibility of resolving social ills to expertise and the promise of future technology is tempting. However, in taking this approach, Terra Nil displays a technocratic underpinning."
That's actually one of my points about why we need different game design for #solarpunk
Really interesting talk from @vfqd about the development of #TerraNil https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1029027/Developing-Terra-Nil-A-Strategy
@solarpunks good luck with that, maybe you'll change my mind ;)
I don't think I would call any bullet hell #game #solarpunk , whatever other mechanics if would have.
#gameDesign is hard and a lot of people have already put a lot of work into coming up with some Solarpunk mechanics, like the recent #TerraNil .
I believe that we need to be even more radical and explore completely new mechanics, like my recent https://writing.exchange/@alxd/110074727020505792 idea: teaching #degrowth and #sustainability .
#gamedev #sustainability #degrowth #TerraNil #gamedesign #solarpunk #game
Habe am Wochenende #TerraNil gespielt. Man säubert und regeneriert die kaputte Erde, so dass neue Pflanzen und Tiere sich ansiedeln können und muss dann seinen ganzen Sch*** einsammeln und abhauen, damit die Natur ihre Ruhe hat. Genau mein Ding 😅
On entame le New Game+ de #TerraNil là, maintenant, avec de nouveaux niveaux 🍃
The community of #TerraNil players have planted 45529 trees, reforested 43.23 hectares and captured 5964.6 tonnes of CO2 so far.
Love it!
@whatzaname for now #TerraNil seems to be "the most Solarpunk", because it's so hard to imagine any other path, be it for writers, or game designers who don't write things <explicitly> but are trying to design player behaviors.
I have a few more ideas,which could fit what you want to see, but I think I need to put in a little more work into them.
@whatzaname I got a lot of questions from game designers how to design a game which could teach you #solarpunk or #degrowth , embody them as emergent player behaviors, not just aesthetic / themes, like #TerraNil .
My best concept is https://writing.exchange/@alxd/110074727020505792 : it doesn't show a path from this way to a sustainable future, but it's something (I think) implementable as a game mechanic, on which we can build and iterate until a "today game" becomes imaginable.
#TerraNil #degrowth #solarpunk
Recomanats de març del 2023
Ressenyes breus dels videojocs més interessants del març: Terra Nil, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty i Resident Evil 4.
#Recomanats #Elsmillorsvideojocsdelmes #ResidentEvil4remake #Rytmos #Tchia #TerraNil #TheCrownofWu #WoLong:FallenDynasty
#Recomanats #Elsmillorsvideojocsdelmes #ResidentEvil4Remake #rytmos #tchia #TerraNil #thecrownofwu #wolong
Just lost an afternoon to #terranil and I regret NOTHING. Completely absorbing, oprimistic without being mawkish and demanding with being shitty about it.
Ce soir, on a un tas de bazar technologique pour réparer la nature et replanter les plumes sur les fesses des ours, dans ce chouette puzzle game post-écolo enfin sorti ! #TerraNil
Wrapped up playing the 8 levels of #TerraNil after about 25 hours. Here's hoping there's more planets coming down the pike🌄 There is some replay-ability though since the zones are procedurally generated. Plus I spot three achieves I didn't get!
I really want to find a video or stream of someone playing #TerraNil on Gardener/easy mode, but the best I can find so far is Ecologist/normal. I'm trying to see if this is a game I want to get.