Studying ways to increase the albedo of the planet through macro-engineering (terraforming)
seems a lot like that final phase of hitting the snooze button..
You know, after you've blown off showering, given up on breakfast, and now your current commute-strategy leans heavily on some sort of city-wide blackout/flying-car level of magical thinking.
#climatechange #Terraforming #ohgodohgodweareallgoingtodie
Terraforming Mars is not possible with any near-future technology: but saying that we will never live on another planet is incredibly short-sighted. Yes, life on Mars will require living in domes, likely partially underground. But the technology to do that is already here or not too far off in the future.
Solving Earths problems and bringing life to Mars is not an either/or proposition.
The case against putting humans on Mars is strong. It pains me to say it, having grown up on science fiction, but even Kim Stanley Robinson thinks it would be a colossal mistake. Here, Maciej Cegłowski lays out what is really only some of the biggest reasons—there are plenty more.
#mars #colonization #terraforming #scienceFiction #nasa #science
#mars #Colonization #Terraforming #sciencefiction #nasa #science
@snazzyjazzy Terraforming? I think the thought of #terraforming a raw planet or moon is cool. I know, a bit off your topic but thats what it made me think of.
@snazzyjazzy Terraforming? I think the thought of #terraforming a raw planet or moon is cool. I know, a bit off your topic but thats what it made me think of.
Marte come la Terra?
#17Novembre #acqua #anidridecarbonica #Marte #passato #pianetaTerra #terraformazione #terraforming
#Terraforming #Terraformazione #pianetaTerra #passato #marte #anidridecarbonica #acqua #17novembre
The #infrastucture folks gonna love how #terraforming gets dropped describing an ancient pyramid.