Jahrestag. Und immer noch wird nach "Verschwundenen" gesucht.
The Unconvinced. #ink #sumi #black #orange #iklim #climate #nature #nurture #torture #culture #terror #terroir #anthropocene #capitalocene #traumacene
#traumacene #capitalocene #anthropocene #terroir #Terror #Culture #torture #nurture #Nature #Climate #iklim #orange #black #sumi #Ink
"Some good twists and turns here, and as always, wonky characters you won't soon forget." ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
E-book versions for "Murder Becomes Macau" are available now for less than $5.
Links to all of your favorite e-book platforms are here: https://murderbecomes.com/macau.html
Buy it. Read it. Review it. Thank you!
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We are loving these ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amazon, Apple Books, and Kobo reviews YOU are beginning to post about Jeffrey Eaton's fourth mystery thriller.
E-book versions are available now for less than $5. Buy it. Read it. Review it. It helps.
Hardcovers become available next month: https://murderbecomes.com
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Verurteilter #IS-Terrorist bekommt neuen #Terror-Prozess https://orf.at/stories/3329503/
Amazon, Apple Book, and Nook reviews are coming in with five stars. Jeffrey Easton's newest mystery/thriller is out now for less than $5 in all e-book formats.
You can read a sample chapter and find purchase links here: https://murderbecomes.com/macau.html
Please subscribe to our updates to get details about pre-ordering hardcovers and upcoming author appearances: https://murderbecomes.com/subscribe.html
#thrillers #thriller #books #booklover #terror #reading #suspense #mystery #book #read #mysterythrillerbooks
#mysterythrillerbooks #read #book #mystery #suspense #Reading #Terror #booklover #Books #thriller #thrillers
Just released: "Murder Becomes Macau" by Jeffrey Eaton. Purchase e-books now. Hardcovers will be available through murderbecomes.com on Sep. 26, 2023.
In the meantime ... watch your back.
#MysteryThriller #Murder #HongKong #Macau #DaltonLee #JeffreyEaton #MurderBecomesMacau #Terror #TheOrganization #O #MurderBecomes #DaltonLeeMystery
#daltonleemystery #murderbecomes #o #theorganization #Terror #murderbecomesmacau #jeffreyeaton #daltonlee #macau #Hongkong #murder #mysterythriller
🇩🇪|#Daenemark weitet aus #Terror-Angst die Grenzkontrollen zu #Deutschland intensiv aus und durchsucht PKW. Grund ist die #Korankrise nach der Verbrennung eines Exemplars in #Schweden durch einen Dänen. Die #EU ist in der Geiselhaft von Islamisten! #ID https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/ausland/2023/terror-angst-daenemark/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1689637473314611200
#Daenemark #Terror #Deutschland #Korankrise #Schweden #EU #ID
#ecology #privilege #ink #nature #housing #home ##migration #history #memory #archeology #architecture #nature #nurture #culture #torture #terror #terroir #land #anthropocene
#anthropocene #land #terroir #Terror #torture #Culture #nurture #architecture #archeology #memory #History #migration #home #housing #Nature #Ink #privilege #ecology
#ecology #privilege #ink #nature #housing #home ##migration #history #memory #archeology #architecture #nature #nurture #culture #torture #terror #terroir #land #anthropocene
#anthropocene #land #terroir #Terror #torture #Culture #nurture #architecture #archeology #memory #History #migration #home #housing #Nature #Ink #privilege #ecology
#ecology #privilege #ink #nature #housing #home ##migration #history #memory #archeology #architecture #nature #nurture #culture #torture #terror #terroir #land #anthropocene
#anthropocene #land #terroir #Terror #torture #Culture #nurture #architecture #archeology #memory #History #migration #home #housing #Nature #Ink #privilege #ecology
George Clooney and John Prendergast on how the West can kill the Wagner virus from TheEconomist https://www.economist.com/by-invitation/2023/07/17/george-clooney-and-john-prendergast-on-how-the-west-can-kill-the-wagner-virus
#torture #car #Terror #wagnergroup
Russian #terror of the civilian population of #Ukraine does not stop. Russia launched #drone attacks on #Kyiv, #Odesa and the southern region of #Kherson on Tuesday, July 11. Russian shelling killed a woman in the southern village of Sofiivka and wounded 2 people in Kherson. https://www.reuters.com/article/ukraine-crisis-attack-kyiv-idAFKBN2YR04L A Russian #attack on a humanitarian aid distribution point in southeastern Ukraine killed 7 people and 2 people were killed by Russian shelling in the east on Monday, July 10. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/four-civilians-killed-11-wounded-russia-strikes-zaporizhzhia-town-ukraine-2023-07-10/
#Terror #ukraine #drone #kyiv #odesa #Kherson #attack
🇬🇧|#France collects over one million #Euros in solidarity for the #Nanterre police officer who shot the criminal Algerian. With #terror exported even to #Switzerland, the #migrant mob harms itself. #ID #Lausanne #Migration https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/ausland/2023/geld-fuer-polizisten/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1676189863664574465
#France #euros #Nanterre #Terror #switzerland #migrant #ID #lausanne #migration
🇩🇪|#Frankreich sammelt über eine Mio #Euro aus Solidarität für den Polizisten von #Nanterre, der den kriminellen Algerier erschoss. Mit #Terror exportiert sogar bis in die #Schweiz schadet sich der #Migranten-Mob selbst. #ID #Lausanne #Migration https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/ausland/2023/geld-fuer-polizisten/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1676191373459091458
#Frankreich #euro #Nanterre #Terror #schweiz #Migranten #ID #lausanne #migration
@netzpolitik_feed was aber auch daran liegt, dass selbst "#RogueISP's" sowas nicht dulden.
Einzige bekannte Ausnahmen sind jene die wissentlich und aktiv #KiwiFarms hosten, denn jenes #Hategrooming-#Forum hat sich der #Terror|isierung von Minderheiten jenseits von #StochastischemTerrorismus verschrieben und wurde wegen #CSAM schon von diversen bona-fide - Hostern gefeuert!
#csam #stochastischemterrorismus #Terror #forum #hategrooming #kiwifarms #RogueISP