Dit is boeiend. #LowLightMixes gaat jaar voor jaar door de elektronische muziek van de #jaren70 #seventies met iedere keer een mix van een uur. Vandaag is het jaar 1972 aan de beurt, met onder andere #Cluster, #TerryRiley, #KlausSchulze, #Kraftwerk, #WendyCarlos, #TangerineDream, #Neu! en #PinkFloyd. Luisteren!
#pinkfloyd #neu #tangerinedream #wendycarlos #kraftwerk #klausschulze #TerryRiley #cluster #seventies #jaren70 #lowlightmixes
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #NightTracks
Terry Riley:
🎵 A Rainbow In Curved Air (Extract)
#nowplaying #NightTracks #TerryRiley
Bang on a Can - Terry Riley: In C https://bangonacan.bandcamp.com/album/terry-riley-in-c #BangonaCan #TerryRiley #experimental #minimalism #music #bandcamp
#BandCamp #Music #minimalism #experimental #TerryRiley #bangonacan
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Terry Riley:
🎵 Rainbow in curved air
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #TerryRiley
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #NewMusicShow
Terry Riley & Jeffery Loeffert:
🎵 Dorian Reeds
#nowplaying #NewMusicShow #TerryRiley #jefferyloeffert
RT @TerryRiley_info
Found on Instagram
#terryriley #テリーライリー
#lamonteyoung #ラモンテヤング
#ラモンテヤング #lamonteyoung #テリーライリー #TerryRiley
#TerryRiley & #stargaze – 'In C' Boiler Room Amsterdam Live Performance
If you plan to occupy a relaxing position this evening, try this as a soundtrack.
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposedWithEmeliSandé
Terry Riley & Kronos Quartet:
🎵 One Earth, One People, One Love
#nowplaying #composedwithemelisande #TerryRiley #kronosquartet
I urge everyone to add #BirdsongProject #ForTheBirds into their lives!
200 songs, poems, and soundscapes, all inspired by birds and flight, It's almost a complete record collection on it's own!
So many creative people you know and love: #AliceColtrane #YokoOno #LaurieAnderson #SuzzyRoche (she's who got me to push the "BUY" button! It's only $9.99 on iTunes!) #LiliTaylor (what a pleasure to hear her warm voice!) #BetteMidler #NatashaLyonne #ElvisCostello #NickCave #YoYoMa #TerryRiley
...and I learned of lots of artists I'd never heard before! Artists I know I'll be following from now on! It's made a huge impact on me, in my interest in birds, nature, preservation, and I feel like it's made my world & heart more expansive.
I may even start drawing a series of birds myself!
#BirdsongProject #ForTheBirds #alicecoltrane #yokoono #LaurieAnderson #suzzyroche #lilitaylor #bettemidler #NatashaLyonne #ElvisCostello #nickcave #yoyoma #TerryRiley
#BirdsongProject #ForTheBirds
#TerryRiley #BirdsongProject #ForTheBirds
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #WordsAndMusic
Terry Riley:
🎵 Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band
#nowplaying #WordsAndMusic #TerryRiley
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalFix
Terry Riley & Terry Riley:
🎵 A Rainbow in the Curved Air
#nowplaying #ClassicalFix #TerryRiley #BBC3MusicBot
This is some of the most exciting music I've heard in years. Just wow.
#YoungGods #TerryRiley
The Young Gods - "In C: , Pt. 2" on YouTube
This is some of the most exciting music I've heard in years. Just wow.
#YoungGods #TerryRiley
The Young Gods - "In C: , Pt. 2" on YouTube
This is some of the most exciting music I've heard in years. Just wow.
#YoungGods #TerryRiley
Young Gods - "In C: , Pt. 2" on YouTube
Currently listening to Terry Riley's "A Rainbow in Curved Air," an album released in 1969 on CBS Records. It formed much of the backdrop to my first acid trip, which also happened in 1969. It imprinted, and I've been hearing it ever since. #terryriley #rainbowincurvedair #1969 #electronicmusic #ambientmusic
#ambientmusic #electronicmusic #rainbowincurvedair #TerryRiley
Had a very productive weekend with lots of new stuff added to my stores. These went up today. More to come…always more. Happy 🦃 everyone!
All records available via DM to me, or link in profile to eBay & Discogs. Please visit!
#theraincoats #stevereich #haroldbudd #terryriley #rem #tracychapman
#vinyl #vinyllife #vinylrecords #vinyleveryday #records #vinyljunkie #vinyllover #recordcollection #vinylforsale #alwaysdiggin #cratedigging #dustyfingers #vinylmeplease #vinylcommunity #vinyladdict
#theraincoats #stevereich #HaroldBudd #TerryRiley #rem #tracychapman #vinyl #vinyllife #vinylrecords #vinyleveryday #records #vinyljunkie #vinyllover #recordcollection #vinylforsale #alwaysdiggin #cratedigging #dustyfingers #vinylmeplease #vinylcommunity #vinyladdict
Composer #PaulineOliveros #Houston #Texas native. Moved to #SanFrancisco to attend #SanFranciscoStateCollege after graduating from the #UniversityOfHouston 1952. One of the founding members of the #SanFranciscoTapeMusicCenter in the early 60s. Contemporaries include #TerryRiley #MortonSubotnik Oliveros developed the musical philosophy of #DeepListening and #SonicAwareness - meditational methods of listening to all things with intention. #vinyladdict #recordcollection #avantgardemusic
#paulineoliveros #houston #texas #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscostatecollege #UniversityofHouston #sanfranciscotapemusiccenter #TerryRiley #mortonsubotnik #deeplistening #sonicawareness #vinyladdict #recordcollection #avantgardemusic
Seven favourite composers up to Nov 2022 (still exploring). Added #baroque because I lean that way.
#LeošJanáček (esp. Piano Sonata 1. X. 1905 - the mother's lament! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vH2gGgkRBs)
#TerryRiley (esp. "in C" by Bang on a Can )
#baroque #arcangelocorelli #henrypurcell #georgefriderichandel #franzjosephhaydn #leosjanacek #TerryRiley #giovannibattistasammartini #classicalmusic #composers