Hey friends, it's #TestClinic time! Join me over at https://twitch.tv/wayneswonderarium as I review and maybe do some test writing for #aiosmtpd
#TestClinic #aiosmtpd #python #smtpd
So today will actually be a #TestClinic of sorts! Only it will be #WaynesWonderarium Test Clinic, tackling #aiosmtpd. I'm aiming to start about an hour from now - if you're interested in #python #testing #programming #livecoding #smtp #email #servers or... well, a number of other things, join me at https://twitch.tv/wayneswonderarium for my Test Clinic!
#TestClinic #wayneswonderarium #aiosmtpd #python #testing #programming #livecoding #smtp #email #servers
Hey friends! I'm no longer with #VMware so I won't be doing the #SaltProject #TestClinic -- but I will be picking up streaming again!
Keep an eye on this space tomorrow AM Central Time - I'm going to be streaming an #ArchLinux install on twitch - or you can head over to https://twitch.tv/wayneswonderarium and follow to get notified when I go live. I'm planning to livestream all kinds of stuff, from programming, to tech, to art, to... whatever!
If I have time, I'll also be looking to install #nextcloud!
#vmware #saltproject #TestClinic #archlinux #nextcloud
@msprout I read an article about testing, once, where the author talked about their workflow and how even waiting 0.25s for tests was too long and so he setup a keybinding and would run tests in the background.
I did the same, but using tmux+espeak. I also did it for accessibility in case someone was following one of my #TestClinic-s audio only or something.
@cvennevik @nikoheikkila running #TestClinic-s twice weekly over the past... 3 years? They did more to improve my test skills than anything else I've ever done
Morning friends! The #SaltProject #TestClinic is starting now at https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss
We'll be working a little with tests for saltext.vmware
Join me now!
#python #salt #saltstack #saltproject #testing #tdd #bdd #streaming #livecoding
#saltproject #TestClinic #python #salt #saltstack #testing #tdd #bdd #streaming #livecoding
Join me now for the #SaltProject #TestClinic at
https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss - back to
#saltproject #TestClinic #salt #saltstack #python #tdd #testing #saltsyndic #pytest
Join me now for the #SaltProject #TestClinic at
https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss - refactoring Syndic external auth PR! https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/63257
#saltproject #TestClinic #salt #saltstack #python #tdd #testing #saltsyndic #pytest
Join me now for the #SaltProject #TestClinic at
https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss - working more on Syndic tests!
#saltproject #TestClinic #salt #saltstack #python #tdd #testing #saltsyndic #pytest
Join me now for the #SaltProject #TestClinic at https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss - I finally got Syndic and external auth "working" today there will be tests!
#saltproject #TestClinic #salt #saltstack #python #tdd #testing #saltsyndic #pytest
It's that time again! #SaltProject #TestClinic is starting now at
https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss - join me as I work through fixing the tests
for PR 61421, and then do some work on Syndics and external auth, if there's
#saltproject #TestClinic #salt #saltstack #python #tdd #testing #saltsyndic #pytest
@bobbydigitales @addyosmani since staring the #TestClinic for the #SaltProject the pithy statement that "comments are for why" is true, for all values I can think of.
And commits are another opportunity to explain what and why in prose. For instance:
Reply to this toot
I wanted to reply to this toot because I woke in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. I also felt like I could add some nuance to the discussion. Esp. adding an example
It's that time again! Join me at https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss for the
#SaltProject #TestClinic - this time I'll be fixing some tests for the
ps.status module... and then?
#saltproject #TestClinic #python #salt #saltstack #testing #bdd #tdd
@Fritange @ketmorco Success! I went through on today's #TestClinic and tests *should* be passing... should be ready to merge after they finish 👍
Hey friends! It's that time again!
#SaltProject #TestClinic is starting at https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss - join me as I add some tests for https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/61421
#saltproject #TestClinic #python #tdd #bdd #testing #salt #saltstack
Hey! It's time again for the #SaltProject #TestClinic! Join me now at https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss where unless we have some community requests, I'll be adding tests for PR 62139
#python #salt #saltstack #saltproject #twitch #streaming #tdd #bdd
#saltproject #TestClinic #python #salt #saltstack #twitch #streaming #tdd #bdd
Holy Smokes! Voting took longer than expected, but #IVoted!
Now it's time for the #SaltProject #TestClinic! Join me now at https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss as I add some tests for https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/63007!
#ivoted #saltproject #TestClinic #python #salt #testing #saltstack #tdd #bdd
Today's #TestClinic will very likely be late, as the line to vote is pretty long.
Hey friends! Once again it's #TestClinic time - join me now at https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss as I look at some failing tests for saltext.vmware PR #312!
#python #salt #saltstack #saltproject #testing #twitch #streaming
#TestClinic #python #salt #saltstack #saltproject #testing #twitch #streaming
It's that time again! Join me now at https://twitch.tv/saltprojectoss for the #SaltProject #TestClinic!
Today I'm helping look into the test failures on https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/62841
I'm probably the best person for it as I'm pretty sure that I wrote those currently failing tests! Let's find out if past Wayne was kind to me...
#python #saltstack #salt #livecoding #twitch #streaming #testing #tdd #bdd #pytest
#saltproject #TestClinic #python #saltstack #salt #livecoding #twitch #streaming #testing #tdd #bdd #pytest