RT @ActivistAlberta@twitter.com
It begins again! Katie Mackay, #immunocompromised but fully vaccinated, makes immunity uncertain. We need data, lots of it, and extra layer of protection #testtraceisolate #ableg #abpoli
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ActivistAlberta/status/1422258727449726980
#abpoli #ableg #TestTraceIsolate #ImmunoCompromised
Corruption and incompetence of @BorisJohnson@twitter.com and the @Conservatives@twitter.com = 10s 1000s DEAD, and the only reason for the #SecondLockdown is their ideological preference to throw £12B at a private system #TestTraceIsolate system that doesn't work instead of local #NHS systems that do.
RT @ByDonkeys@twitter.com
Boris Johnson is incompetent, pass it on https://twitter.com/ByDonkeys/status/1282915698604376064/video/1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ByDonkeys/status/1282915698604376064
#nhs #TestTraceIsolate #SecondLockdown
Remember: we're heading into #Lockdown2 (weeks too late) because we're ruled by #boristhebutcher's corrupt @Conservatives@twitter.com who are such ideological zealots they'd rather spend £12B on a private #TestTraceIsolate system that doesn't work, than on local public #NHS systems that do.
#nhs #TestTraceIsolate #BorisTheButcher #Lockdown2
RT @70sBachchan@twitter.com
Excess deaths in US now ~ 180,000 ppl or ~ 3 Vietnam wars https://weinbergerlab.github.io/excess_pi_covid/#summary_table:_excess_deaths_and_reported_deaths_due_to_covid-19
Meanwhile, from first case in Jan, Hanoi has taken no chances. Vietnam has ~450 cases & Zero deaths.
@OurWorldInData@twitter.com case study of its exemplary #TestTraceIsolate success. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-exemplar-vietnam
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/70sBachchan/status/1287867096097910784
It's important that we get that low in Wales before significant easing of restrictions, otherwise #TestTraceIsolate would be soon overwhelmed. And we face the additional problem of recalcitrant neighbours. The coming few weeks are crucial, as are subsequent decisions on travel restrictions. 2/2
#TestTraceIsolate still needed though, and must be in place before significant further relaxation. It's still out there, ready to kick off again if R goes > 1. And that would undo all our good work so far. If necessary that must mean closing the border to rogue neighbours. 2/2
If you want to understand why some countries have contained COVID-19 and why some haven't, look at this chart.
This isn't rocket science.
#testandtrace #testtraceisolate #masks4all https://pic.twitter.com/81ytkLerrv
#TestAndTrace #TestTraceIsolate #masks4all
RT @firefoxx66@twitter.com
8 #COVID19 Lessons by @devisridhar@twitter.com
1 #TestTraceIsolate
2 Protect healthcare workers
3 Monitor hotspots
4 Watch for imports
5 Clear & honest communication
6 Don't try to go back to 'normal'
7 Lockdowns: useful but crude
8 Find ultimate 'exit strategy'
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/firefoxx66/status/1257214439113265152
Nicht so paradox: Wer früher lockern will, muss warten.
RT @Belex70
Da ich wegen @aminlaschet bei @annewill wieder nicht schlafen konnte, hier nochmal für A-L-L-E:
Wir haben eine sehr effektive Nicht-pharmakologische-Intervention (NPI) gegen SARS-CoV2. Diese NPI heißt Einzelfallverfolgung (#testtraceisolate) - BITTE WEITERLESEN 1/9
RT @Belex70
Da ich wegen @aminlaschet@twitter.com bei @annewill@twitter.com wieder nicht schlafen konnte, hier nochmal für A-L-L-E:
Wir haben eine sehr effektive Nicht-pharmakologische-Intervention (NPI) gegen SARS-CoV2. Diese NPI heißt Einzelfallverfolgung (#testtraceisolate) - BITTE WEITERLESEN 1/9
RT @PascalMarichal1@twitter.com
#TestTraceIsolate en pratique : voyons l'archipel d'Hawai'i. Pour l'instant ils ont réussi à éviter la catastrophe (quelque 600 cas dépistés, une douzaine de morts). Un confinement a été décidé. 1/4 https://www.civilbeat.org/2020/04/tracing-the-path-of-covid-19-in-hawaii-1-name-at-a-time
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PascalMarichal1/status/1253358188168187905
RT @PascalMarichal1@twitter.com
Une feuille de route pour #Macron20h : dépistage/enquête de contacts/isolement des personnes positives (#TestTraceIsolate). Réquisition des hôtels pour personnes positives. Formation d'enquêteurs. Toutes les forces éco. et logistiques vers dépistage +protections pour soignant•es
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PascalMarichal1/status/1249676072582610946