It sounds like they are singing in a shed in a forest near Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. That’s almost as good as any Scandinavian woods.
@HailsandAles I give you a German #BlackMetal band for #BlackMetalMonday.
Unru ~ Die Wiederkehr des Verdrängten
Here’s the link to the same titled EP:
#sheditwoodsit #regionalriffs #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #blackmetalmonday #blackmetal
@derthomas somehow I ended up listening to the new album from Tankard ‘Pavlov’s Dawgs’ and I’m throwing that in for #ThrashThursday.
And surprise, it’s not all about 🍺!
#fullalbum #TeutonicMetal #thrashmetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #thrashthursday
#Folk & #ThrashMetal? Oh, yes! That’s indeed a thing and right in time for @derthomas’ #ThrashThursday.
Here’s ‘Equilibrium’, a Bavarian #Metal band, that may fool you with the opening of their song ‘Blut im Auge’ but that’ll change real quick to thrash with that folksy twist.
#itisbavarianmetal #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #metal #thrashthursday #thrashmetal #folk
I’m going to be early for @Kitty’s #MittwochMetalMix with an EP, released in August 2023, by a German #PostHardCore, #MetalCore band from Halle, Germany.
Annisokay ~ Throne of the Sunset
#owlclub #regionalriffs #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #metalcore #posthardcore #mittwochmetalmix
Here’s a #RegionalRiffs German #ProgMetal band from Berlin, I specifically saved up for @DXMacGuffin’s #ProgTuesday.
I hadn’t seen anything newer than from 2009 but when I just checked their website it shows a mysterious announcement for a new album in 2023!
Mind Odyssey ~ Illusions
#oldskoolmetalvibe #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #progtuesday #progmetal #regionalriffs
Congratulations to
@vanessawynn for bringing us a new #MetalMusic hashtag.
🥳 🎂 🎈
I, uhm, only know one #GrindCore band and that growling is messing with me… in a V E R Y good way.
Deep Dirty
#growlatme #regionalriffs #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #grindcore #grindayfriday #metalmusic
I’m super late this Friday on my music hashtags, so let’s get to it.
@DXMacGuffin I got a #GermanMetal project, that is a spin off of the band Edguy, of the #SymphonicPowerMetal flavor for you and #FridayMetalCover which is also an early #RegionalRiffs.
Avantasia feat, Eric Martin~ Maniac
#hashtagmaniac #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #regionalriffs #fridaymetalcover #SymphonicPowerMetal #GermanMetal
Alright, I got something for @derthomas’ #ThrashThursday
A pioneer of the German #ThrashMetal scene in Germany, hailing from the ‘Ruhrpott’, this band has been around since 1984.
Darkness ~ Hate Is My Engine
“Hate is my engine, anger is my fuel”
#thrashit #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #thrashmetal #thrashthursday
For @Kitty’s #MittwochMetalMix here is the latest album ‘Richter und Henker’ from OOMPH!, which will be released on the 8th of September. They are a #RegionalRiffs band for me, active since 1989, who pioneered #NeueDeutscheHaerte.
Two songs from the album that have already been released:
#wemdiestundeschlaegt #edm #industrialmetal #numetal #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #neuedeutschehaerte #regionalriffs #mittwochmetalmix
Staying #RegionalRiffs with my submission for @DXMacGuffin’s #ProgTuesday.
Poverty’s No Crime is a band from northern Lower Saxony in Germany. They’ve been around since 1991. I’m listening to their last album ‘A Secret To Hide’ from 2021. It’s mellow.
#ProgMetal #ProgRock
#progrock #progmetal #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #progtuesday #regionalriffs
@Buffer, I almost did not submit anything for #ThursDeath.
I can do some melodic #DeathMetal with a great rolling ‘r’.
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter ~ Auf Und Nieder
#upanddown #regionalriffs #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #deathmetal #thursdeath
Can’t forget about @derthomas’ #ThashThursday
Some blackened #ThrashMetal, I hope you’ll like.
As an added bonus, this is a #RegionalRiffs band from close to where I grew up, Marburg, Germany.
Knife ~ Heaven Into Dust
#speedmetal #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #regionalriffs #thrashmetal #thashthursday
Ready, set, go for @Kitty’s #MittwochMetalMix and yay, #RegionalRiffs.
As the clock strikes midnight in Germany, here’s a German melodic #ThrashMetal band, leaving a ‘Trail Of Blood’🩸 with their song “Ov Lambs and Snakes” from their 2017 album ‘Judas Evangelion’.
#regionalriffsanyday #mostmetalisextroverted #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #thrashmetal #regionalriffs #mittwochmetalmix
Liebe @Carex für deinen #SlowSunday schreib ich mal in Deutsch.
Hier kommt @ascendency mit ihrer EP von 2019 Human Heart, 3 Lieder, auf der mehr langsameren Seite. Es ist eine #PostHardCore #Metal band von Bielefeld, die ich seit ein paar Wochen erst kenne und sehr mag.
Hier ist noch ein zum Teil technischer aber auch witziger Review von Deadbird Underground dazu.
#itiscatchymetal #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #metal #posthardcore #SlowSunday
Alright, @HailsandAles here is a #BlackMetal band from Munich, Germany for your #BlackMetalMonday.
I’ll give you a whole album, their latest, released July 2023.
Thulcandra ~ Hail The Abyss
#blackmetalicanunderstand #TeutonicMetal #fullalbum #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #blackmetalmonday #blackmetal
@Carex it’s still Sunday somewhere and I’ve not gone to bed so here’s my #SlowSunday drop.
U.D.O. ~ I give as good as I get
#betterlatethannever #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #SlowSunday
I just listened to this song a half dozen times.
I’m gonna make it fit into @metalpoetnl’ #PowerFriday as #DarkPowerMetal
Nachtblut ~ Lied für die Götter
#onrepeatgoodness #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #darkpowermetal #powerfriday
I am going to highlight a #GermanMetal collaboration of a #PowerBallard for @metalpoetnl’s #PowerFriday with the prompt #WomenInPower featuring Doro’s beautiful rich voice.
Grave Digger feat. Doro ~ The Ballad Of Mary
#TeutonicMetal #powermetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #womeninpower #powerfriday #powerballard #GermanMetal
@Banur for my #RegionalRiffs contribution, I am offering a band from Brunswick, Germany. I like the vocals, they are growly and I can still understand what they are singing. 😎
Blessed Child ~ Century Doom Machine
2022 album ‘The Burning Shade’
From their Spotify profile: “…spielen groovebetonten Heavy Metal mit Thrash-Einschlag”
#metalyoucanunderstand #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #regionalriffs
Mighty dragon arise
Take it to the sky
Wind beneath your wings,
You're the master of the kings
King Leoric ~ Master of the Kings
#dragonmetal #TeutonicMetal #dracotreasures #aqiisnowplaying