As a kid, I should’ve seen the signs I was a nerd on the rise. Even when I was still single-digit years old, I recognized the art style of Tex Avery. I knew I was in for a treat when his name came up in the opening credits. I mean, what kind of kid pays attention to the credits?!? #texavery #nerdinwaiting #zoinks
#TexAvery #nerdinwaiting #zoinks
J'aurai dit que vous étiez plutôt la team #TexAvery !!!
@xalofar @Troupier @Katyucha @bakaniko @AugierLe42e @Armageddon @FFShukke_reboot
NYJ, Retired NYC #realestate attorney, avaricious to a fault. #Bullwinkle #JayWard #BobClampett #TexAvery #BlueRibbonBrasserie #Raouls #Russ&Daughters #SaulBass #garysheyngart #EricAmbler #AndrewBergman #PeterBogdanovich #JimmyBreslin #AlejandroEscovedo #WesleyStace #JonathonCoe #DanChaon #DavidGoodis #SJPerelman #ArielDorfman #coffeecakejr #Bauhaus #CivicCenterSynagogue #TheClash #TheNewYorkDolls #NewPornographers #Badfinger #TheBeckies #MatthewSweet #KirstyMacColl #LeeHazlewood #Tokyo
#tokyo #LeeHazlewood #KirstyMacColl #matthewsweet #TheBeckies #Badfinger #NewPornographers #TheNewYorkDolls #theclash #CivicCenterSynagogue #bauhaus #coffeecakejr #ArielDorfman #SJPerelman #DavidGoodis #DanChaon #JonathonCoe #WesleyStace #AlejandroEscovedo #JimmyBreslin #peterbogdanovich #AndrewBergman #EricAmbler #garysheyngart #SaulBass #Russ #Raouls #BlueRibbonBrasserie #TexAvery #bobclampett #JayWard #Bullwinkle #realestate