Yesterday, the Institute of Advanced Studies at Loughborough University hosted a seminar on "Editing Aphra Behn's Fiction", organized by my wonderful colleague Elaine Hobby. The seminar was recorded and is now available at
#editing #scholarlyediting #textualscholarship #AphraBehn #research #englishliterature #LoughboroughUniversity
#editing #scholarlyediting #TextualScholarship #AphraBehn #research #englishliterature #loughboroughuniversity
Last chance to send in a proposal for Legal Issues in Textual Scholarship. Deadline is 18 June.
This online symposium, hosted by the European Society for Textual Scholarship, will take place on 27 October 2023.
#textualscholarship #editing #research #symposium #humanities #law #ESTS
#TextualScholarship #editing #research #symposium #humanities #law #ests
Textual Scholars:
I am writing something on parallel text editions (like the Norton edition of Wordsworth's The Prelude, 1799, 1805, 1850) and could use your suggestions.
I am looking for the earliest instance of a parallel text edition in English.
I'd also be interested to know which parallel text edition you consider the best (and why) and which is the most used.
#textualscholarship #scholarlyediting #textualcriticism #hivemind #academicresearch #humanities
#TextualScholarship #scholarlyediting #textualcriticism #hivemind #academicresearch #humanities
"without bibliographical preparation there can be little good editing" (Fredson Bowers, Bibliography and Textual Criticism, p. 62).
#scholarlyediting #textualscholarship #historicalbibliography
#scholarlyediting #TextualScholarship #historicalbibliography
Registration is now open for ‘‘Authorship, Identity, and Textual Scholarship", the 23rd conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS), at the University of Kent, Canterbury, 13-14 April.
Please support the Society by becoming a member at are new, discounted rate.
#conference #textualscholarship #scholarlyediting #authorship
#conference #TextualScholarship #scholarlyediting #authorship
PhD Studentships available in English at Loughborough University.
I'm always open to good proposals on literary archives, textual scholarship, book /publishing history, and Modernism.
Note that there are ringfenced studentships for BAME applicants.
#phd #research #humanities #englishstudies #englishliterature #BAME #funding #studentships #modernism #literaryarchives
#textualscholarship #editing #bookhistory
#phd #research #humanities #englishstudies #englishliterature #bame #funding #studentships #modernism #literaryarchives #TextualScholarship #editing #bookhistory
Funded PhD studentships in the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Loughborough University
We are an excellent and friendly team working on textual scholarship, literary archives, book history and modernism (etc. obvs).
Please do get in touch if you want to come and work with us.
#humanities #english #englishstudies #liberalarts #modernism #textualscholarship #scholarlyediting #archives #heritage #bookhistory #writing #phd #funding #studentships #lborofamily
#humanities #english #englishstudies #liberalarts #modernism #TextualScholarship #scholarlyediting #archives #heritage #bookhistory #writing #phd #funding #studentships #lborofamily
The T. S. Eliot International Summer School is running a short course on digital editions.
#editing #digitaleditions #scholarship #TextualScholarship #research #tseliot #london
#editing #DigitalEditions #scholarship #TextualScholarship #research #tseliot #london
Hi, just opened my account, though I'm still on Twitter for the moment. I'm an Emeritus Prof. of English at the University of Maryland. I'm a specialist in #RomanticLiterature, #TextualScholarship, #LitStudies, #VictorianStudies, #AcademicMastodon, looking for my communities here.
#RomanticLiterature #TextualScholarship #litstudies #VictorianStudies #academicmastodon