To the #paramedics, #doctors and #nurses who worked on Brenda for hours, you were awesome, so kind and respectful. Our #NHS is truly wonderful and we should never, ever lose it. #ThankYouNHS
#paramedics #doctors #nurses #nhs #ThankYouNHS
I’ve renewed my #NHS annual subscription to “Breathing (Bodily Functions: Essential)”. Yay, #Asthma (!) #ThankYouNHS for all the inhalers and tablets.
Without the #NHS I wouldn’t be alive. I was extremely premature, lucky to survive. 22 years later I developed a rare progressive #neuro disease and received free life saving health and medical support ever since. In countries with private healthcare and/or insurance systems people with my diagnosis can die, cos can’t afford fees, or their insurance doesn’t cover chronic illness, or insurer doesn’t understand why strong chemo is needed and refuses. NHS saves lives like mine. #ThankYouNHS. #NHS75
#ThankYouNHS #nhs75 #neuro #nhs
Every one of us has a story to tell of how the NHS has helped us and our loved ones in times of need.
🙏 Thank you to those who had the vision to create it 75 years ago
🙏 And thank you to all those who make that vision a daily reality
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The Green Party: The NHS has looked after us for 75 years.
Today we thank every single person within our brilliant health service and reaffirm our commitment to protecting it for future generations.
#NHS75 | #ThankYouNHS
RT The Green Party
The NHS has looked after us for 75 years.
Today we thank every single person within our brilliant health service and reaffirm our commitment to protecting it for future generations.
#NHS75 | #ThankYouNHS
#ThankYouNHS for sticking /another/ camera into me through a —traditionally— exit-only-hole, and telling me that everything’s ok and thus you don’t need to escalate your cancer concerns any further. #Phew #OuchMyPenis
#ThankYouNHS #phew #ouchmypenis
Today, the folks at our fantastic #NHS inserted a camera inside me via a novel and unprecedented route (to me!). Win some internet points for guessing which one.
They were checking things out after a rather nasty time I’ve had of it recently, and I’m just so grateful to everyone involved, both today and previously.
This weekend, I have learned through experience that when blood is intermittently coming out of you, from places that have *no* right to emit blood (nope, not /that/ one! And not /that/ one, either!) that’s a really good time to get to a hospital.
A massive #ThankYouNHS to the AAU at the #JohnRadcliffeHospital here in #Oxford for their care, attention to detail, and efficiency. From start to end I was in there just 3 hours, and am definitely on the mend. *Phew* 😅
#ThankYouNHS #johnradcliffehospital #oxford
It’s #WorldCancerDay - no one ever thinks cancer will affect them. It’ll never happen to you… until it does.
For those we have lost, those fighting and all those affected. Together we are stronger. Get those lumps and bumps checked out. #formum #3yearsNED #thankyounhs
#worldcancerday #formum #3yearsned #ThankYouNHS
GP visit with suspicious lump, full investigation 2 weeks later, diagnosed 1 week later, surgery 3 weeks later, radiotherapy for consecutive18 days, free cancer drugs for 6 years. 2011 before the Tories could muck it up too much. Wouldn't fancy my chances today. #ThankYouNHS
RT @JamesKAArcher
@Lbc @NickFerrariLBC If only there was some data which showed under whose watch the problems started....
Now give them all a proper pay rise
From porters to paramedics, vaccinators to volunteers, midwives to mental health practitioners, and all other essential workers — thank you to everyone who is working over the Christmas period! 💙 #ThankYouNHS
Many of us are lucky enough to be enjoying another bank holiday today, but I think it’s important to take a moment to thank all the people who don’t get the day off, especially those working extremely hard on the front line of our National Health Service.
Thank you
Many of us are lucky enough to be enjoying another bank holiday today, but I think it’s important to take a moment to thank all the people who don’t get the day off, especially those working extremely hard on the front line of our National Health Service.
Thank you
Woke up feeling snotty & I have a sore throat.
Just tested +ve for Covid. Managed to dodge it completely until now 😭
Glad I've had 4 jabs. 💉💉💉💉#ThankYouNHS
Kudos and thanks to our wonderful local NHS team here in Devizes: x-ray appointment for my hip has come through for next week. That’s just 2 weeks from my initial GP appointment! Awesome!!
#DevizesPCN #LoveNHS #NHS #ThankYouNHS
… and for anyone who’s wondering, the painkillers I’m on are doing their job quite splendidly in the meantime 😊
#ThankYouNHS #nhs #lovenhs #devizespcn
Delighted to be able to report much less pain in my hip this morning: no Zapain necessary so far today (but I’m continuing with the drug-from-hell Naproxen for the time being). Many thanks to those who have been holding me in prayer: much appreciated; please don’t let go just yet. Also profoundly grateful to our wonderful NHS through which I have access to these drugs #ThankYouNHS
#Hip #Naproxen #NHS #Pain #Prayer #Thanks #Zapain
#ZaPain #thanks #prayer #pain #nhs #naproxen #hip #ThankYouNHS
Apparently the consultant said quietly to my dad after I was admitted, “Your daughter has no idea how ill she really is”. 😔 #ThankYouNHS Eternally grateful
to #DerrifordHospital in Plymouth for saving my life and mum and dad’s GP in Saltash for having an idea of how seriously ill I might be and warning them to get me to A&E.
#derrifordhospital #ThankYouNHS
Healthcare support workers are integral to our workforce and deserve recognition and celebration for all that they do. Thank you!
This #NursingSupportWorkersDay I encourage all #teamCNO colleagues to take time to recognise and celebrate our vital HCSW workforce. #ThankYouNHS
#nursingsupportworkersday #teamcno #ThankYouNHS