In most cities I've been in my life, a bus stop is called "bus stop" because a bus stops there. Of course Berlin is different. #ThanksForNothing #WeilWirDichLieben
#ThanksForNothing #weilwirdichlieben
@jamesp Big Tech, ladies and gentlemen!
Our "heroes!"
Guess how many videos I'm committed to reupload in December now because of Google?
Imagine being in a meeting, asking for not to use "Hi guys" as a greeting (because you're not a guy and never have been) and literally one minute later someone else says "I love how you guys did this" 😑 #ThanksForNothing
@derek well congratulations, you have herewith become a system administrator. From now on everybody will *feel* you're responsible for the well-being of their data, whether you claimed otherwise or not. 😀 #welcometohell #thanksfornothing
#welcometohell #ThanksForNothing
Den Entwickler der #Nextcloud Android App gefragt, ob es möglich ist, beim Runterladen von Dateien nach dem Speicherort gefragt zu werden.
Antwort war: nein, benutz den Browser. 🙄