Can i tell you a secret?
Solar and wind power is extremely expensive compared to nuke/coal/gas and super unreliable.
Wind doesn’t always blow, sun doesn’t always shine.
And if you want to store the daytime production you need batteries (super expensive and don’t last that long)
It’s a totally self made crisis we are in right now.
I’ll keep doing my Scrooge McDuck thing till i can swim in money.
A nice burn to go with your New Years Even libations:
#ElonTheWeak #ElonIsPathetic #JerrysPizza #România #ThanksGreta
#ThanksGreta #romania #jerryspizza #elonispathetic #elontheweak
Thanks to a pizza box in the pathetic video he posted on Twitter trying to respond to Greta, Romanian police confirmed he was in the country and arrested him and his brother for sex trafficking.
#Gretathunberg #ThanksGreta #incel #sextrafficking #romania
#romania #sextrafficking #incel #ThanksGreta #Gretathunberg
Halloween in Illinois. 8th Halloween on record with snow and the most snow ever on Halloween.