I'm going to Cali to see my sister for a week. Since I am the primary caretaker, I ask my fam if they have questions about what needs to be done around the house. My eldest: What if there are monsters under my bed? Me: Tell your dad. My youngest: What if there are monsters under my bed and they want me to analyze Walt Whitman?
Still though, Klaatu was able to express basically the same nessage, but without being a total d*** ...
#The DayTheEarthStoodStill
#TCMParty #plan9fromouterspace #The
You will not be surprised that the ripples on #inflation have reached the motor #insurance market, with 14% average year-on-year rises expected in the next 12 months... driven by inflation in repairs (which, of course, are highly dependent on non-UK components - another #Brexit dividend?).
While, largely tracking general inflation, we'll likely see a further rise un un-insured #drivers, which leads (again) to further premium(s) pressure.
#The #costoflivingcrisis just keeps on going...
#Inflation #insurance #brexit #drivers #The #Costoflivingcrisis
Continuo ad apprezzare i DLC nei #videogiochi come mezzo per riportarti dentro buone esperienze soprattutto a distanza di anni (e quindi relativo costo irrisorio senza la percezione negativa del pezzo di gioco tagliato per fare profitto)
Sono dentro #The Assignment (2015) pezzo di quel piccolo capolavoro survival horror e vero #ResidentEvil 4.1 che voleva essere #TheEvilWithin
Qui protagonista diversa che offre una visione differente sulla vicenda principale, anche se a dirla tutta...
#videogiochi #The #residentevil #theevilwithin
Finito #The Quarry, ma prima di accennarne spendo un applauso per i #TitoliDiCodaBelli
Se lo scopo degli extra che s'inventano nei crediti è per incoraggiarti a leggerli, qui sono stati geniali nel momento in cui han usato un podcast invece della colonna sonora che tiene dentro, lascia la vista libera di leggerli, approfondisce aspetti della vicenda. Tra l'altro essendo recitato benissimo, offre intrattenimento fine a se stesso. Com'è che nessuno ci ha mai pensato prima?
【動画】【公式mn2】ラップダンス万能六角形キム・ソンウパートコレクション #THE BOYZ_ #MPD 直カム #shorts
#THEBOYZ の映像 https://kt.wowkorea.jp/album/489732.html
【動画】【公式mn2】イ・ジェヒョン 顔 걍 芸術 その雑債である.. #THE BOYZ_ #MPD 直カム #shorts
#THEBOYZ の映像 https://kt.wowkorea.jp/album/489731.html
#The Slumber Party Massacre #スランバーパーティ大虐殺
#nowwatching #The #スランバーパーティ大虐殺
After watching Jim Jarmusch's stunning doc Gimme Danger, I can only conclude that Iggy Pop is simply not human.
Dear #Mastodon it’s #the first #BlackFriday in #BlackHistoryMonth 2023!
#mastodon #The #blackfriday #blackhistorymonth
#NowWatching #恐怖ノ黒電波 #The Antenna (2019)
#nowwatching #恐怖ノ黒電波 #The #horrormovies #ホラー映画 #HorrorCommunity
2023 Horror Releases:
#deadspace - 9 DAYS till 27th Jan
#SonsoftheForest - 36 DAYS till 23rd Feb
#The Day Before - 42 days till 1st March
#Project Zero: MotLE - 50 DAYS till Mar 9th
#RE4Remake - 65 DAYS till March 24th
#AmnesiaThe Bunker - 42 DAYS till March
#SystemShockRedux - 42 DAYS till March
#AdInfinitum - 92 DAYS till April 20th
#DeadIsland2 - 100 DAYS till April 28th
#DeadSpace #SonsoftheForest #The #project #re4remake #amnesiathe #SystemShockRedux #AdInfinitum #DeadIsland2 #horrorgamecountdown
Wittgenstein people--I just listened to a lecture that said after reading Tolstoy's The Gospel in Brief, Wittgenstein believed in God. Is this true? How? Why?
#The GospelInBrief
I just ordered Tolstoy's book.