Se confirma que #keanureeves estara en la serie #TheAcolyte de #disneyplus
#keanureeves #TheAcolyte #disneyplus
Guten Morgääääähn 🥱☕️
Ich wünsche euch einen ganz tollen #StarWars Tag 🥳
Heute bekommen wir #StarWarsVisions & ich hoffe auf Trailer zu #skeletoncrew, #TheAcolyte und #Ahsoka mit ganzem Blick auf Thrawn 🤩
Es wird auf jeden Fall ein schöner Tag 🤗
#starwars #StarWarsVisions #skeletoncrew #TheAcolyte #ahsoka #maythe4thbewithyou #maythe4th
#SÉRIE 📺 | Dans #StarWars: #TheAcolyte, Rebecca Henderson incarnera Vernestra Rwoh, une Mirialan Chevalière Jedi apparue dans les différents romans et comics de #LaHauteRépublique.
· La série est attendue en 2024 sur #DisneyPlus. #StarWarsCelebration
#serie #starwars #TheAcolyte #lahauterepublique #disneyplus #starwarscelebration
Interprète de Chewbacca depuis Le Réveil de la Force, Joonas Suotamo incarnera un Wookie Jedi dans #TheAcolyte.
Vu dans Squid Game, l’acteur Lee Jung-jae jouera de son côté un maître Jedi au sein de cette série développée par Leslye Headland. #StarWarsCelebration
#TheAcolyte #starwarscelebration
Un nouveau logo a été dévoilé pour #TheAcolyte.
Prenant place à la fin de l’Ère de la Haute-République, elle racontera son histoire du point de vue des méchants et s’inspirera des films d'Akira Kurosawa dans sa tonalité.
Sortie en 2024 sur #DisneyPlus. #StarWarsCelebration
#TheAcolyte #disneyplus #starwarscelebration
Daisy Ridley with advice for Star Wars actresses: "Try and be in the moment and enjoy what it is" - #StarWars #FanthaTracks #daisyridley #sundance #theacolyte
#starwars #FanthaTracks #daisyridley #sundance #TheAcolyte
Added The Acolyte to the timeline today, only a few known characters are around during that time, can’t wait to see who they introduce!
Disney+ hat die Besetzungsliste zur neuen Disney+ Streaming-Serie #TheAcolyte veröffentlicht. Die Namen und ein paar weitere Hintergrund-Informationen findet ihr hier: #StarWars
Disney+ hat die Besetzungsliste zur neuen Disney+ Streaming-Serie #TheAcolyte veröffentlicht. Die Namen und ein paar weitere Hintergrund-Informationen findet ihr hier: #StarWars
Just saying, I am so here for #TheAcolyte series. Finally some good Dark Side Cookie stories that most possibly do not involve Papa Palpatine for a change.
Apart from Dafne Keen & Carrie-Anne Moss I don't think I've seen any of them in anything, but the description is promising so I'm keeping an open mind. #TheAcolyte
Super excited by the casting and start of production news for #StarWars #TheAcolyte! It’s been my most anticipated Star Wars project since its announcement. Fingers crossed that it’s good!
"The Acolyte" di Star Wars aggiunge 9 stelle al cast Disney+ #07Novembre #EG #Extended #Slideshow #StarWars #TheAcolyte
#TheAcolyte #starwars #slideshow #extended #EG #07Novembre
Carrie-Ann Moss is in a #StarWars? Will she play a Jedi or a Sith Master in #TheAcolyte? The premise of this show has me hooked, I'm really looking forward to this.
@jynersolives Yes, I really need to sit down with #TheHighRepublic novels. I will say some of the newer canon books have been excellent. I devoured Brotherhood. Cannot recommend enough.
So intrigued by #TheAcolyte also.
Yes RE: Ben Solo. I was so turned off by Rise of Skywalker but Adam Driver’s beautiful performance of Kylo’s turn made me yearn for more Ben.
Star Wars: Si lavora a una nuova serie e ci sono novità anche su The Mandalorian 3, Ahsoka e le altre #StarWars #DisneyPlus #TheMandalorian #Ahsoka #TheAcolyte #Andor #17maggio
#17maggio #andor #TheAcolyte #Ahsoka #themandalorian #disneyplus #starwars