@pluralistic On housing, Shane Phillips is doing some novel and powerful work at UCLA's Lewis Centre.
I ran across his proposal for "public ownership rentals" in The Atlantic
That's actually one leg of a three-legged stool of Supply, Security, and Subsidy, which addressess the three main areas of housing market failure. His book is The Affordable City, a very affordable $5 download:
Great Twitter feed as well:
#Housing #HousingReform #LewisCenter #ShanePhillips #TheAffordableCity
#housing #HousingReform #LewisCenter #ShanePhillips #TheAffordableCity
Housing: The Three S’s: Supply, Stability, and Subsidy
[T]he solution to America’s housing crisis, both politically and technically, comes down to three coequal priorities that I call the Three S’s: Supply, Stability, and Subsidy....
[A]ll indispensable ingredients in the affordable city recipe book... One without the others will not bring true affordability and stability to a community—certainly not to all who need and deserve it. Nor can we simply enact the strongest possible intervention for one goal without considering its impacts on the others. Often, the most aggressive solution to one problem will undermine the best response to another.
Book: https://islandpress.org/books/affordable-city
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26854819
#housing #homelessness #property #PublicOwnership #ShanePhillips #TheAffordableCity #books #BookReivews #BigProblems
#housing #homelessness #property #publicownership #ShanePhillips #TheAffordableCity #books #BookReivews #bigproblems