#WTF ! Scary!
#antisemitism #farrightloonies
I don't have a telly, so this is the first I'm hearing about #TheAnarchistsHBO
#wtf #antisemitism #farrightloonies #TheAnarchistsHBO
For more background on the shit-pile of 'Anarchapulco' and #TheAnarchistsHBO series, check out: https://itsgoingdown.org/it-looks-like-hitler-was-pretty-good-hbo/
Far-Right Libertarian conference "Anarchapulco" is gearing up for their next event in #Mexico, which will feature Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites, and COVID-19 conspiracy theorists as its main speakers. Lily Forester from #TheAnarchistsHBO is listed as one of the main organizers.
My thoughts after viewing the series finale of "The Anarchists" s01e06:
- I feel like, if you call yourself a former anarchist, you never really were. Anarchism is not a belief system, it's a logical and rational conclusion. People however, are too seldom logical or rational.
- "A state can exist if it'll leave me alone". Sadly, the state never actually leaves you alone. It's against its nature.
- It's interesting that the two broken hearted ladies seem at odds with the philosophies at the series end. Emotional human toll on full display.
- The two dead men, arguably the two most respected community leaders John and Nathan, appear to have lived their lives for their philosophies and principles. Attempting to change the world for the better, even if you fail, is still noble as fuck.
#theanarchists #TheAnarchistsHBO
#theanarchists #TheAnarchistsHBO
#TheAnarchistsHBO So, this show was called The Anarchists. Ok, so it focused on the drama in the lives of SOME anarchists, but really should have been titled 'Devine' as that was the main focus.
Funny how the human drama is suppose to represent (the failings of) 'Anarchy'.
#TheAnarchistsHBO series is now over. The director has stated on Instagram it has nothing to do with actual anarchism. This series is going to leave many who watch it the impression that anarchists are crypto-bros who only care about getting rich with 'no rules' while sitting at a conference listening to white nationalists like Lauren Southern talk about "strengthening the borders." Total trash. What were your thoughts?
"While #TheAnarchistsHBO has proven to be a pathetic excuse for a documentary on anarchism and its theories and practical applications, it is shaping up to be a decent documentary on how flawed and invalid anarcho-capitalism is. Anarcho-capitalism is not an anarchist ideology but rabid individualism where those outside of Olympus must fend for themselves. The only freedom they fight for is the freedom to continue to build a surplus of capital..." https://www.thecinemaspot.com/2022/08/01/anarchapulco-begins-to-crumble-the-anarchists-episode-4-living-without-the-law-spoiler-review/
So many commies screaming "not real anarchists! They do not decry hierarchy"
Anarchy = no rulers.
Hierarchy = ordo.
Commies should really call themselves 'An-ordoists'
RT @igd_news
Media from @CNN to @guardian rushed to cover #TheAnarchistsHBO, centering Jeff Berwick as its ideological guru; white-washing far-Right Libertarians as "anarchists." Not one reported on Berwick's racist views, including Holocaust denial + praise of Hitler. https://itsgoingdown.org/it-looks-like-hitler-was-pretty-good-hbo/
RT @IGD_News
Media from @CNN to rushed to cover #TheAnarchistsHBO, centering Jeff Berwick as its ideological guru; white-washing far-Right Libertarians as "anarchists." Not one reported on Berwick's racist views, including Holocaust denial + praise of Hitler. https://itsgoingdown.org/it-looks-like-hitler-was-pretty-good-hbo/
RT @IGD_News@twitter.com
Media from @CNN@twitter.com to @guardian@twitter.com rushed to cover #TheAnarchistsHBO, centering Jeff Berwick as its ideological guru; white-washing far-Right Libertarians as "anarchists." Not one reported on Berwick's racist views, including Holocaust denial + praise of Hitler. https://itsgoingdown.org/it-looks-like-hitler-was-pretty-good-hbo/
Media from #CNN to #TheGuardian rushed to cover #TheAnarchistsHBO, centering Jeff Berwick as its ideological guru; white-washing far-Right Libertarians as "anarchists." Not one reported on Berwick's racist views, including Holocaust denial + praise of Hitler. https://itsgoingdown.org/it-looks-like-hitler-was-pretty-good-hbo/
#cnn #theguardian #TheAnarchistsHBO
After the anarchist news organization It’s Going Down critiqued HBO’s misuse of the term “anarchist” and called Berwick an anti-semitic grifter in a barrage of tweets, Berwick responded with a 30-minute YouTube rant in which he claimed his detractors were just “unhappy,” “poor,” and “jealous” of wealthy people and told them to “work on themselves.” #TheAnarchistsHBO https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7gvdp/real-anarchists-react-to-the-anarchists-a-new-series-about-crypto-bros
RT @IGD_News@twitter.com
HBO has turned the comments off.
Director of #TheAnarchistsHBO, who went from Ron Paul supporter to fan of 'Austrian economics,' appeared on Jeff Berwick's podcast in 2018. Says he "jumped on board" with Alt-Right troll Stefan Molyenux + got connected to people close to Berwick. https://twitter.com/HBODocs/status/1546929395927027713
Director of #TheAnarchistsHBO, who went from Ron Paul supporter to fan of 'Austrian economics,' appeared on Jeff Berwick's podcast in 2018. Says he "jumped on board" with Alt-Right troll Stefan Molyenux + got connected to people close to Berwick.
I could puke, I'm about to lose my rag! This new HBO documentary "The anarchists" puts the term anarchism in a completely wrong light! Who the fuck had the idea to use that name? People who've been fighting anarchists in the streets are now called "anarchists" themselves? Really?! Disgusting! Anarcho capitalism doesn't exist and fascist shitheads have nothing to do with anarchism! Makes me fucking angry! #TheAnarchistsHBO
RT @IGD_News@twitter.com
First episode of #TheAnarchistsHBO centers around a right-wing, anti-Semitic grifter + features appearances + clips from Milo Yiannopoulos, troll with deep ties to white supremacists + Keith Preston, regular speaker at white nationalist conferences alongside Richard Spencer. 🤮🤮 https://twitter.com/blumhouse/status/1545078299608637442
Thanks to #TheAnarchistsHBO for opening their first episode with audio from Free Talk Live. Enjoyed the episode, should be an interesting series.
go back to making horror lmao
RT @blumhouse
When Anarchists, BitCoin, and pursuit of freedom collide – there’s more to the story than meets the eye 👁 #TheAnarchistsHBO premieres July 10 at 10pm ET/PT on @HBO and @hbomax. @HBODocs