@slowbikeiain Seriously. The kid has a valid beef — she never told him why Rob was so dangerous. She could have been telling him in age-appropriate language for years. #TheArchers @thearchers
#TheArchers omg Helen, way to give your kid permanent emotional scars. I’ve been suggesting individual and family therapy for years but NO, you can manage all by yourself… That was the worst possible way to handle the situation 🙄 @thearchers
#TheArchers Ugh it was sickening to listen to that snake trying to manipulate Henry. I’m glad the lad kept his wits about him. *shudder* @thearchers
#TheArchers I wonder when the script writers will realize there are other ways to create drama than by people continually getting the wrong end of the stick @thearchers
@pippaholloway Welcome! I’ve not missed an episode in about 12 years, so let me know if you need any info :) #TheArchers
#TheArchers Well who hasn’t seen THAT coming for the last few weeks? But I thought it would turn out better. Nice one, Pip 🙄 Poor Stella is having a hard week @thearchers
@OcreJulia with friends like Archers, who needs enemies? #TheArchers @thearchers
#TheArchers George is such a little sh*t. Cute move telling Stella that Ed killed Baz. 🙄 Neil is the only one who sees through him. Why is the rest of his family so blind? @thearchers
#TheArchers today’s (Wednesday’s) episode isn’t showing up in the BBC Sounds app! Argh!! @BBCRadio4 @thearchers
@jim_easterbrook No, he just ignored it because he couldn’t think of another way to be mates. What a dope. #TheArchers
@wcow @thearchers I think “local” to Adil means “somewhere in the UK” #TheArchers
#TheArchers Is it just me or is the fete subplot even more tedious than usual? @thearchers
@wcow boy oh boy when you are voted to be WORSE than ROB that’s really saying something #TheArchers
#TheArchers poor Henry doesn’t stand a chance. Weasely George on side, scumbag Rob on the other, with a big helping of crazy Helen to boot. Poor kid. @thearchers
#TheArchers Wee Henry getting life advice from George Grundy… what could possibly go wrong? @thearchers
#TheArchers I was hoping for more George Being Horrible today but bouncy castles are nice too I guess