Our upcoming episode of #TheBagelReport (coming Monday!) will cover the first 3 episodes (and a little bit of E4) of #marvelousmrsmaisel so you have a few days to catch up before tuning in to hear our take... @jewishsf
#TheBagelReport #marvelousmrsmaisel
Thrilled to announce that The Bagel Report, the podcast I cohost with Erin Ben-Moche, is now produced with support from @jewishsf — looking forward to leveling up with this news organization and to working with their team. :) Learn more: https://jweekly.com/2023/01/17/introducing-j-s-first-podcast-the-bagel-report/ #TheBagelReport #jewishpodcast #jewishwriter
#jewishpodcast #JewishWriter #TheBagelReport
#StanLee would have been 100 today. 4 ways to celebrate:
1) Reading #AbrahamJosephineRiesman's book #TrueBeliever: https://abrahamriesman.com/true-believer?fbclid=IwAR1X824zZ7tGq1AD9lboVV_YpiOk_Kf3zuVkPPgq-BgAMq0LJ5dstjDgRg8
2) Listening to #TheBagelReport's interview with Riesman about that book: https://thebagelreport.libsyn.com/exploring-the-rise-and-fall-of-stan-lee-with-true-believer-author-abraham-riesman
3) Reading Roy Schwartz's piece in @theforward about Stan's Jewish identity: https://forward.com/culture/528781/stan-lee-jewish-icon-100th-anniversary-spiderman-hulk-golem/
4) Watching all of Stan's #MCU appearances and weaving them into one narrative #fanfiction.
#mcu #AbrahamJosephineRiesman #truebeliever #stanlee #TheBagelReport #fanfiction
Belated intro post: I'm the kind of person who loves the expanding tide of creative content for providing space for new stories; who loves #NYC and L.A.; who #podcasts about #popculture and #jewish identity #TheBagelReport; loves #StarWars but hasn't seen everything in that #IP universe; who loves her nieces & nephews; hates flying but does it to see people she loves. Apparently, she also speaks about herself in third person sometimes. Longtime #jewishwriter & new to this space.
#ip #podcasts #popculture #nyc #jewish #starwars #JewishWriter #TheBagelReport