Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
2080 followers · 250 posts · Server

This mini review of “Try Anarchism for Life: The Beauty of Our Circle” (Strangers In A Tangled Wilderness) is the perfect size for my latest book, which involves me trying to say as much possible as, in as finely crafted a way as possible, within a series of tightly written essays. Moreover, I’m humbled by and grateful for @dmw’s words capturing much of the heart of this project—like all my books, a labor of love, yet in this case intended as a love letter to anarchists old and new. Or maybe my book can be read as a message in a bottle, reminding whomever finds it to keep on doing what we anarchists do best, even if so much of this fascist catastrophe of a world seem to make our life-giving practices feel futile. (They aren’t.)

Immense thanks to Dana Williams, including for getting my pronoun correct (a genderqueer “they”)!

And in case it’s tough to read Dana’s mini review via the screenshots of Dana’s Mastodon post, here’s the text:

“It’s hard to write a book about anarchism that doesn’t follow the same histories, platitudes & polemical style. But @cbmilstein has done just that with their poetic, philosophical, intimate, sometimes funny & always entertaining, and profound book, ‘Try Anarchism for Life: The Beauty of Our Circle.’ It includes two dozen pieces analyzing different characteristics of anarchist thought and movements, accompanied with drawings of the ‘circle-A’ by some pretty rad artists. A great primer.

“It seems written simple and engaging enough for a lay-audience, but also sophisticated enough for those who are well versed in the topic. I suspect it’s the kind of book that’ll continue to reward on additional reads too. That’s not an easy kind of book to write!

“It takes a different, yet in some ways similar, approach as their earlier book, ‘Anarchism and Its Aspirations’ [@akpress], a book that I still recommend to those wanting to learn more about anarchism. Both are highly recommended!”

For a copy, or a bunch, of the book, head to


(photo by @plantneighbor, who contributed a beautiful circle A to the book, featuring the book’s joyful pink+green cover, designed by @eff_charm, held up against the backdrop of a field, trees, and mountain)

#TryAnarchismForLife #everydayanarchism #TheBeautyOfOurCircle

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
1267 followers · 104 posts · Server

(Part 6 of 6): By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life” being in print and out in the world, and because I have a backlog of photos of circle As in the wild, plus to honor and thank the folks who took the time and care to write blurbs for this book, here’s a trifecta of what I hope are some beautiful expressions of anarchism: street art + the book’s cover + a blurb.

“‘Try Anarchism for Life’ puts beauty back at the heart of the ‘beautiful idea.’ It is a gentle, warm reminder of the dreams that anarchism inspires and sustains. Utopian in the best sense of the word, it radiates hope and confidence, opens new vistas on familiar ideas, and affirms the value of mutual aid, solidarity, and creative collective endeavors.”

—Ruth Kinna, author of “The Government of No One: The Theory and Practice of Anarchism”

This wraps up my silly little series! But you can join me in celebrating the book, and more important, beauty of “creative collective endeavors,” thanks to the ever-beautiful folks/friends/pups at @firestorm (some of them pictured here), which will be hosting an online gathering this Tues, Nov 29, of Libertie of Firestorm, me, Casandra and @margaret from @tangledwild, and three other amazing friends who contributed circle A drawings to the book, @lokimon, @muquuuuu, and @nobonzo. We’ll literally show you lots of what makes anarchism so beautiful via a slideshow of art in varied rebellious mediums as well as modeling why that beauty always has to include a multitude of ideas and practices by sharing our varied musings in friendly anarchist fashion.

To register (to watch it live and/or get a recording of it later), see!

For a copy of the book, order from Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness at (for folks in and outside of the US too), @akpressdistro at, or your favorite anarchist(ic) bookstore, like Firestorm, or look and/or ask for it at your local library.

(photos: beautiful circle A sentiment + bonus sticker by @municipaladhesives, as seen in mid-October at @defendATLforest; book cover, lovingly designed by @eff_charm with circle A by @landonsheely)


#TryAnarchismForLife #TheBeautyOfOurCircle #WeAreAllWeNeed

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
1267 followers · 104 posts · Server

(Part 5 of 6): By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life” being in print and in the world, and because I have a backlog of photos of circle As in the wild, plus to honor and thank the folks who took the time and care to write blurbs for this book, here’s a trifecta of what I trust are some beautiful expressions of anarchism: street art + the book’s cover + a blurb.

As it serendipitously and delightfully happens, my book came out on the heels of my dear friend Scott Brandon’s book, “Practical Anarchism,” and both of us seem to be preoccupied with focusing on anarchism as life, as living. Perhaps that’s no coincidence in this fascist time that would see so many of us dead—most of us, in fact. So our has to be a fighter for and carrier of life. It feels no exaggeration to say it’s either .

Thanks to @TheRhizomeHouse and the caring labors of our friend @reblgrrlraechel, Scott and I hope to bring our books into life-giving conversation when we gather on December 3.

Now, onto the blurb:

“What a beautiful and playful collection of anarchist ruminations, like an imaginative picture book for adults (but not in the grown-up sense)! It’s a joyful contribution to anarchist literature as well as to Milstein’s own writing. You can read this poetic book in any order—an alphabet that goes from big A to little a and beyond—which makes it a perfect book to pick up to stimulate creativity and meditation. But after reading the whole thing, one gets the sense of the fullness of a life devoted to anarchism; that is, the mutual care and love for each other and the world that raises the stakes for freedom from domination. As we Jews say, ‘To life!’—that is, to a life worth living!”

—Scott Branson, author of “Practical Anarchism: A Guide for Daily Life”

Copies of my book are available from @tangledwild at (in and outside the US), @akpressdistro at, or your favorite anarchist(ic) bookstores and libraries.

(photos: circle A as seen in Tio’tia:ke/Montreal, summer 2022; fabulous book cover, designed by @eff_charm with circle A by @landonsheely; 2 out of 3 panels from the “flyer” for our schmooze—see The Rhizome House on social media for full info)


#everydayanarchism #anarchismorfascism #queerasfuck #TryAnarchismForLife #TheBeautyOfOurCircle #PracticalAnarchism #WeAreAllWeNeed

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
1167 followers · 92 posts · Server

(Part 4 of 6): By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life” being in print and out in the world, and because I have a backlog of photos of circle As in the wild, plus to honor and thank the folks who took the time and care to write blurbs for this book, here’s a trifecta of what I hope are some beautiful expressions of anarchism: street art + the book’s cover + a blurb.

I’ve been thinking a lot—or more than I already do—about “tipping points, when phenomena palpably shift from bad to worse—such as, to my queer Jewish anarchist mind, proto-fascism tipping to fascism after the US midterms—and how those of us who are anarchists see train wrecks coming long before the train has even left the station and beautifully prepare all sorts of infrastructures of way ahead of time. Infrastructures of , , , and . It’s shattering my heart that we must increasingly use those infrastructures *merely* to try to lessen the genocidal impacts of Christian fascism here. Yet they are also, always, gesturing toward .

“‘Try Anarchism for Life’ is both a beautiful homage to the countless fragments of ephemeral resistance that constitute everyday antiauthoritarianism and a principled call to commit to stitching together those fragments of daily autonomy-making into flourishing lives of resistance. Paired with unique renditions of the classic circle A, Milstein’s poetic phrases endow age-old concepts like mutual aid and solidarity with renewed vitality and urgency.”

—Mark Bray, author of “Antifa,” “The Anarchist Inquisition,” and “Translating Anarchy”

Copies of the book are available from the publisher, @tangledwild, at (for folks in and outside of the US too), @akpressdistro at, or your favorite anarchist(ic) bookstore, and libraries.

(photos: the rock-solid strength of our circles, as portrayed on a sticker seen in mid-Oct at @defendatlantaforest; beautiful book cover, designed by @eff_charm with circle A by @landonsheely)


#solidarity #MutualAid #communityselfdefense #RebelliousMourning #fiercelove #aworldwithoutfascism #TryAnarchismForLife #TheBeautyOfOurCircle #anarchismorfascism #fuckfascism #ftp #WeAreAllWeNeed

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
1137 followers · 79 posts · Server

(Part 3 of 6): By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life” being in print and out in the world, and because I have a backlog of photos of circle As in the wild, plus to honor and thank the folks who took the time and care to write blurbs for this book, here’s a trifecta of what I hope are some beautiful expressions of anarchism: street art + the book’s cover + a blurb.

“Freedom struggles produce care, love, art. These things in turn demand courage, transformation, consciousness, ideals, dreams. Above all, struggle. Struggle gives birth to autonomy. And autonomy enables life. This book affectionately defends these things, and all the other things that state, capitalism, and patriarchy systematically steal from individuals, communities, and society. It invites people to see the world of anarchism as an ethical, beautiful way of living. Anarchism not as rigid, static identity or form. Rather, ‘anarchisting’ as a quest for creativity against dogma, solidarity against hierarchy, justice against power. A beautiful piece of work, a companion for the many collective journeys for meaning and liberation beyond borders.”

—Dilar Dirik, author of “The Kurdish Women’s Movement: History, Theory, Practice”

(p.s. Read @Dilar’s book and other writings!)

Copies of the book are available from the publisher, @tangledwilderness, at (for folks in and outside of the US too), @akpressdistro at, or your favorite anarchist(ic) bookstore, and libraries.

(photos: beautiful sentiment about the heart of anarchism, roughly translated as “we can do it together,” as seen on a print in an anarchistic feminist, queer-friendly cafe in Rethymno, Crete, November 2019; strikingly beautiful book cover, designed by @eff_charm with circle A by @landonsheely)


#TheBeautyOfOurCircle #newworldinourheart #podemoshacerlojuntxs #WomenLifeFreedom #AutonomousCommunitiesAreBeautiful #WeAreAllWeNeed

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
1138 followers · 79 posts · Server

(Part 2 of 6): By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life” being in print and out in the world, and because I have a backlog of photos of circle As in the wild, plus to honor and thank the folks who took the time and care to write blurbs for this book, here’s a trifecta of what I hope are some beautiful expressions of anarchism: street art + the book’s cover + a blurb.

“Cindy Milstein teams up with some of the best and most active current anarchist artists to give us this collection of artful circle As, each accompanied by a textual meditation on anarchism and struggle that ranges from the beautiful to cute to didactic to inspiring, and always with a core of wisdom. Milstein has a special touch.”
—Peter Gelderloos, author of “The Solutions Are Already Here”

Or as the back cover describes it:

“‘Try Anarchism for Life’ revolves around a thought experiment: What are some of the many beautiful dimensions of anarchism? In reply, it blends gorgeous circle A drawings by twenty-six artists with Milstein’s words, forming picture-prose that are at once inviting and playful, poignant and dreamy. The pieces encourage us to notice and expand on liberatory practices, especially in a time when so much feels impossible. In depicting how anarchism gifts us lives worth living, this book warms ailing hearts and offers tender succor.”

Copies of the book are available from the publisher, @tangled_wilderness, at (for folks in and outside of the US too), @akpressdistro at, or your favorite anarchist(ic) bookstore, and with luck soon, libraries.

(photos: postscarcity circle A sticker made by @municipaladhesives, as seen in mid-October at the entrance to @defendATLforest; abundantly beautiful book cover, designed by @eff_charm, with circle A by @landonsheely, as texted to me by my beautiful friend Libertie with @firestorm)


#TheBeautyOfOurCircle #FlowersNotFascism #AutonomousCommunitiesAreBeautiful #TheSolutionsAreAlreadyHere #WeAreAllWeNeed

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
1066 followers · 75 posts · Server

By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life” being in print and out in the world, and because I have a backlog of photos of circle As in the wild, plus to honor and thank the folks who took the time and care to write blurbs for this book, here’s a trifecta of what I hope are some beautiful expressions of anarchism: street art + the book’s cover + a blurb.

“‘Try Anarchism for Life’ is part manifesto, part prayer, part devotional—a rousing collection of vignettes and micro essays that inspire and incite. Read it to be warmed, guided, and changed. Accompanied by a wildly diverse set of illustrations of the anarchist logo, each essay offers a thoughtful meditation on how to do and think about anarchism in our world today. Full of love for the possibilities of the world to come. ‘Try Anarchism for Life’ is a refreshing and necessary addition to the repertoire of anarchist literature.” (—Rivers Solomon, author of “An Unkindness of Ghosts”)

Or as the back cover describes it:

“‘Try Anarchism for Life’ revolves around a thought experiment: What are some of the many beautiful dimensions of anarchism? In reply, it blends gorgeous circle A drawings by twenty-six artists with Milstein’s words, forming picture-prose that are at once inviting and playful, poignant and dreamy. The pieces encourage us to notice and expand on liberatory practices, especially in a time when so much feels impossible. In depicting how anarchism gifts us lives worth living, this book warms ailing hearts and offers tender succor.”

Copies of the book are available from the publisher, Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness, at (for folks in and outside of the US too), AK Press at, or your favorite anarchist(ic) bookstore, and with luck soon, libraries.

(photos: beautiful circle by my beautiful friend @nobonzo as seen in mid-October at the anarcho-beautiful entrance to @defendatlantaforest; strikingly beautiful book cover, designed by @eff_charm with circle A by @landonsheely, with gorgeous photo courtesy of the good folks at @bookspace_columbus)

#TheBeautyOfOurCircle #FlowersNotFascism #AutonomousCommunitiesAreBeautiful #WeAreAllWeNeed

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
1071 followers · 75 posts · Server

That weird and wonderful moment when your “baby” is born—nestled in a cardboard box that reached your doorstep today—and you can finally hold it in your hands. And the friends who saw it before you were right: it looks much more gorgeous in person than in this photo. But don’t all proud parents say that? (Pick up a copy and see for yourself!)

In celebration, I’ll likely be sharing a series of “baby photos” over the coming week or so, with bonus pictures of circle A photos taken in the wild that have been filling up my phone-camera.

For now, I’ll probably stare at my newborn way too much this evening, trying to get used to it now truly being in my life.

Available from its publisher/coparent, Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness, at, or its chosen kin, AK Press at, and/or awesome anarchistic bookstores.

(photo: , showing the book’s pretty green-and-pink face designed by @eff_charm, smiling up at me with its circle A by @landonsheely)

#TryAnarchismForLife #TheBeautyOfOurCircle #AlwaysCarryABook #TryAnarchismForLove

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
532 followers · 24 posts · Server

There’s only one day left (through Nov 15) to preorder my new book, , a labor of love, with all proceeds benefiting its scrappy-lovey publisher, @tangledwild! As “thanks” for preordering, you’ll also get a batch of ex libris bookplates featuring some of the circle As in the book.

To preorder:

As for the book, Rivers Solomon, author of “An Unkindness of Ghosts,” wrote: “Part manifesto, part prayer, part devotional—a rousing collection of vignettes and micro essays that inspire and incite. Try Anarchism for Life is a refreshing and necessary addition to the repertoire of anarchist literature.”

And Mark Bray, author of “Translating Anarchy,” noted: “Paired with unique renditions of the classic circle A, Milstein’s poetic phrases endow age-old concepts like mutual aid and solidarity with renewed vitality and urgency.”

Lastly, here in a nutshell is what the book aspires to do: “Try Anarchism for Life” revolves around a thought experiment: What are some of the many beautiful dimensions of anarchism? In reply, it blends gorgeous circle A drawings by twenty-six artists with my words, forming picture-prose that are at once (I hope) inviting and playful, poignant and dreamy. The pieces encourage you to notice and expand on liberatory practices, especially in a time when so much feels impossible. In depicting how anarchism gifts us lives worth living, may my book warm ailing hearts and offer tender succor.

:anarchismred: :anarchismtrans: :anarchismhebrew:

#TryAnarchismForLife #TheBeautyOfOurCircle

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
487 followers · 21 posts · Server

Rumor has it that my next book is now in print—but so far, only in the hands of my lovely publisher on this one, @tangledwild!

That means that I’m eagerly and anxiously awaiting my snail-mail package so I can see them in real life!

That also means that you still have time (til 11/15) to preorder this book of picture-prose all revolving around the beauty of anarchism, with words by me and 26 imaginative circle A drawings by awesome anarchist artists. All preorder pals also get a grab bag of ex libris bookplates featuring some of those circle As.

To preorder, see Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness at, or more exactly,


Last updated 2 years ago