Donnie gets tired of being told he’s out of his element and smashes Walter’s head in with a bowling ball.
#TheBigLebowski #flipagoodcharacterbad #hashtaggames
Daily Sketch Challenge 10/07/23: Steve Buscemi.
Welp. Time to rip off the sticking plaster and look at how badly I'm doing.
Let's just subject it to the Walter Sobchak test and see how he reacts.
"Shut the fuck up, Do-- sorry, thought you were Donny."
#dailysketchchallenge #stevebuscemi #steve_buscemi #donny #thebiglebowski #the_big_lebowski #theodoredonaldkerabatsos #theodore_donald_kerabatsos
#dailysketchchallenge #stevebuscemi #steve_buscemi #donny #TheBigLebowski #the_big_lebowski #theodoredonaldkerabatsos #theodore_donald_kerabatsos
Walter does roll on the Shabbos.
#whistleblowonafictionalcharacter #HashtagGames #TheBigLebowski
Thank you @fritschner for reminding me it's time to rewatch #TheBigLebowski.
D'ya have a good sarsaparilla?
Have a good one in honor of The Dude. The Big Lebowski was released OTD, March 6, 1998.
You're probably wondering, "Matt, my new best internet pal, what are your Top 3 films from 1997 to 1998 where key characters wear sandals?" Thank you for asking, here they are:
#ConAir #TheBigLebowski #WildThings #films #movies #cinemastodon #90s #sandals
#conair #TheBigLebowski #wildthings #films #movies #cinemastodon #90s #sandals
My #comfortfilms part 1 (save the rest for another day)
#HaroldandMaude (1971)
#The400Blows (1959)
#DrStrangelove (1964)
#TheHeartIsALonelyHunter (1968) #DoTheRightThing (1989)
#TheBigLebowski (1998)
#BreakingAway (1979)
#Amadeus (1984)
#LAConfidential (1997)
#YoungFrankenstein (1974)
#BillyElliott (2000)
#TheConversation (1974)
#CloudAtlas (2012) #TheBabadook (2014)
#comfortfilms #HaroldAndMaude #the400blows #DrStrangelove #theheartisalonelyhunter #dotherightthing #TheBigLebowski #breakingaway #amadeus #laconfidential #youngfrankenstein #billyelliott #theconversation #cloudatlas #thebabadook
""Nah Donny, these men are nihilists, it's nothing to be afraid of."
"We don't care! We still want the MONEY, Lebowski, or we will fuck you up!
#StarTrekProdigy #TheBigLebowski #BorgNihilists
Here's a hashtag list. This will apparently attract people with similar mindsets
Favourite Movies:
#BeingThere #bladerunner #TheSeventhSeal #TheBigLebowski #ThisIsSpinalTap #Her #BeingJohnMalkovich #ThereWillBeBlood
#introduction #TwitterMigration I'm Dav (it's pronounced Dave) and I'm an old school geek, part teacher, part mentor, I love #SmartHomes, #NodeJS, #FOSS, and #cats I'm an ordained minister for The Church of the Latter Day Dude (#TheBigLebowski) and a fan of #cannabis
#introduction #twittermigration #SmartHomes #NodeJS #foss #cats #TheBigLebowski #cannabis