A platoon of #TheBlackWatch late during the #KoreanWar. The platoon commander is 2nd Lieutenant A.T. Baillie (extreme right). Although uniform and equipment had changed somewhat since the Second World War, weapons still included No.4 rifles and Stens etc.
(Image: IWM Kor 617)
Να υποθέσω ότι δεν πήγες τον τείχο σεβαστέ Μάεστερ; Πόσους Κρίκους είπαμε; @satanikokoutavi @Feleki @norshgaath
#TheBlackWatch #TheWall #CrabClan #l5r #Westeros #thecitadel
#TheCitadel #westeros #l5r #CrabClan #thewall #TheBlackWatch