Good evening Fediversistas! Busy day. Working until 7:15, which pushed our amble back a bit, nearly dark when we got back and premature rainfall. Bit of a sunset thing going on over the Cut. Now relaxing with a bit of #TheBlacklist and a damp dog.
The BlacklistのS09E17を見た
The finale of #TheBlacklist was satisfying and fitting. I had a lot of fun watching the series about the charming antihero. James Spader attitude, writers, and a good ensemble cast all worked well for me.
efectivamente, #TheBlacklist se ha ido with a bang… nos han encantado 2 momentazos:
- “Marseille to Seville is just a two hour drive” 🤣 (el guionista del capi sin tiempo para buscarlo en Google Maps)
La escena final ha sido buenísima, no pongo nada porque spoilers, pero cuando hemos visto el t**o nos hemos empezado a descojonar, madre mía 🥸
let the weekend begin! Hoy vuelvo a hacer blondies de plátano (puede ser la receta que más veces he hecho sin contar el pan de culo, mare meva la obsesión 🤣), y a ver si me animo a hacer helado de caramelo de miso 🤤 Pero primero, a comer! Y a ver si @Savior1980 quiere ver el series finale de #TheBlacklist 🤓
TV TONIGHT (July 13)
#TheBlacklist #WWDITS #SurvivalOfTheThickest #FullCircle #ISurvivedBearGrylls #ProjectGreenlight #GrayMatter #TheJewelThief #Resolved #GenerationGap #AGhostRuinedMyLife #60DaysIn #ProjectRunway #AloneOnHistory #Outchefd
#outchefd #aloneonhistory #ProjectRunway #60daysin #aghostruinedmylife #generationgap #resolved #thejewelthief #graymatter #projectgreenlight #isurvivedbeargrylls #fullcircle #survivalofthethickest #wwdits #TheBlacklist
#TheBlacklist se va a ir with a bang. Me ha encantado el 10x20, una vuelta a las primeras temporadas en las que pasan cosas súper locas y absolutamente inverosímiles, AND YOU’RE LIVING IT! Quedan 2 centrados en Red (personajazo, de qué si no hubiéramos aguantado 10 temporadas de esta mierda), can’t wait!!!
Finally some telly: #Annika, a Scottish Scandi Noir with the incomparable #NicolaWalker - enjoying it thus far. Now on series 10 of #TheBlacklist which went beyond preposterous years ago but is unmissable because #JamesSpader. I would pay cash money to watch him do literally anything. #RichardWatchesTheTelly
#annika #nicolawalker #TheBlacklist #jamesspader #richardwatchesthetelly
TV TONIGHT (June 29)
#TheWitcher #Warrior #ChristinaOnTheCoast #GenerationGap #TheChase #TheOtherTwo #TheReallyLoudHouse #ErinAndAaron #BratLovesJudy #SecretChef #SwipingAmerica #TenYearOldTom #TheBlacklist #DeadFiles #ATimeToKill #ProjectRunway
#ProjectRunway #ATimeToKill #deadfiles #TheBlacklist #tenyearoldtom #swipingamerica #secretchef #bratlovesjudy #erinandaaron #thereallyloudhouse #TheOtherTwo #thechase #generationgap #christinaonthecoast #warrior #TheWitcher
TV TONIGHT (June 22)
#AndJustLikeThat #TheBearFX #CloneHigh #FixMyFlip #GremlinsSecretsOfTheMogwai #Trippin #Glamorous #SkullIsland #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #NBADraft #iCarly #TheBlacklist #60DaysIn #ISurvivedBearGrylls #BratLovesJudy #ATimeToKill
#ATimeToKill #bratlovesjudy #isurvivedbeargrylls #60daysin #TheBlacklist #icarly #NBADraft #startrekstrangenewworlds #skullisland #glamorous #trippin #gremlinssecretsofthemogwai #fixmyflip #clonehigh #TheBearFX #AndJustLikeThat
朝食後にThe BlacklistのS09E09を見た
#NeverHaveIEver #BasedOnATrueStory #TopChef #AloneOnHistory #HaileysOnIt #100DaysToIndy #MyFault #TourDeFranceUnchained #StanleyCupFinal #60DaysIn #TheBlacklist #ATimeToKill #CelebrityPrankWars #DeadFiles #BratLovesJudy
#bratlovesjudy #deadfiles #celebrityprankwars #ATimeToKill #TheBlacklist #60daysin #stanleycupfinal #tourdefranceunchained #MyFault #100daystoindy #haileysonit #aloneonhistory #topchef #BasedOnATrueStory #neverhaveiever