LIVE 12/9/22 starting at 6:00pm ET #TwitterFiles 2.0: #TheBlacklists Former NYT reporter Bari Weiss released a thread on Thursday that showed that several mainstream conservative voices were shadow-banned by #Twitter under the rubrics of #VisibilityFiltering or #VF Then, attached to a massive $858 billion defense bill is a provision that gets rid of the military vaccine mandate for service members- which begs the question: "what else is in the bill?" Russian state television mocks the U.S. for a prisoner exchange. WNBA player #BrittneyGriner was released by Russian authorities from a penal colony in exchange for Russian arms dealer #Viktor Bout. All of that and much more, ahead! Watch!!!👇👇👇
#Viktor #BrittneyGriner #VF #VisibilityFiltering #Twitter #TheBlacklists #TwitterFiles