The special edition of #TheBlood: Basic Rules is out to the wider public now!
You can find it either on DrivethruRPG here:
Or by raising your purchase of the Basic Rules on itchio to $9.99 here:
Drops of #TheBlood: Sorcerous Rivals is out now! #TTRPG
You can find it on DrivethruRPG here:
or on itchio here:
Hey there, fans of #TheBlood #TTRPG. Did you know we just released something new?!
That's right, Drops of The Blood: Advanced Magic is released!
Grab it now to gain access to magical styles, arcane projects, additional Resonance rules, and new advantages, disadvantages, blessings, and spells!
I want some #indie #TTRPG recommendations, but in a specific window:
1) I want it to actually be a sizable game, the sort meant for a full campaign.
2) I DON'T want the 'big indies,' like evil hat or whatnot. OPP/White Wolf is not indie. The sorta stuff you find on a random itch page.
3) No premade system (PbtA, FATE, OSR d20, etc). Something new.
So, anything out there? I can't be the only one out there doing stuff like #TheBlood
I keep wondering if I should be trying to make more #TTRPG 'micro games,' but most of what I come up with tends to be stuff that needs a good 50 page book or so (accounting for layout and pics).
On a related note, sometimes I feel like my larger stuff (like #TheBlood) that's expanding outward gets written off as one-shot material because it's in the indie sphere where a lot of that is the case. But it's meant to be "start small and build out as complex as other leading brands IF YOU WANT."
With that off my chest, I AM looking for a human artist for the cover of Drops of #TheBlood: Advanced Magic!
I feel safer saying that here than elsewhere as we're not riddled with bots yet.
Basic idea for the cover is a vampire doing some work in a cluttered magical (but modern) workshop. So, if anyone wants to throw rates at me, I'd love that. I definitely DO want to give humans money when I have it!
Only a few hours until the kickstarter for #TheBlood #TTRPG ends:
If you're curious about #TheBlood or its current #kickstarter I did an interview in the Randomworlds server, and you can find the log here:
At the final 48 hour mark for #TheBlood's #Kickstarter!
It's been a touch slow, but I'm hoping we can hit a stretch goal during this last push, so if you can boost us and otherwise share around, I'd really appreciate it.
If you haven't been paying attention, the funding's to help produce two new supplements for the game, one to add more options to the magic system and one to detail other supernatural creatures.
Check it out and support if you can! #TTRPG #Vampire
#TheBlood #kickstarter #ttrpg #vampire