#RPGaDay2023 Day 28: I would like a new edition of...
No need for a new edition.
With #ShadowdarkRPG I already got kind of the modern #dnd edition I was craving for: #dnd6e of the hearts ☺️ A modern take on the dragongame minus all the rules bloat which is compatible with my #osr stuff.
Okay … wait, maybe I would like a second edition of #TheBurningWheel (less complex and fiddly, so that I can actual grog and play it)
#rpgaday2023 #shadowdarkrpg #dnd #dnd6e #osr #TheBurningWheel
#rpgdday2023 Day 6
Favorite game you NEVER get to play.
oh no, I must name two games 😨:
1) #TheBurningWheel It was a very exciting read and I like so many things about the game, but I can‘t wrap my old brain around it.
2) #VampireTheMasquerade
2) #WhiteHack
#ttrpg #pnpde
#rpgdday2023 #TheBurningWheel #vampirethemasquerade #whitehack #ttrpg #pnpde
@benni @PenPaperDice Vlt wären Life Path-Systeme so ein Middle Ground? Die Figuren werden durch ihren Werdegang geprägt, aber das ist was anderes als ein Archetypenspiel mit Klassen? #Traveller oder #TheBurningWheel kommt mir in den Sinn. BW mit großem Gewinn gelesen, aber mir ist das viel zu fiddelig und komplex, mein Hirn zu old
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #ttrpg systems:
#TheBurningWheel #MouseGuard #Zweihander #rolemaster #runequest #Merp #ChivalryAndSorcery #NeoClassicalGeekRevival all #KevinCrawford games #symbaroum #Hackmaster 5e #BarbariansofLemuria #WHFRP #DuneRPG #trailofcthulhu #theonering #adnd #ryuutama, #GoldenSkyStories #AgainstTheDarkmaster #BlackbirdsRPG
#gtkm #ttrpg #TheBurningWheel #MouseGuard #Zweihander #rolemaster #runequest #Merp #ChivalryAndSorcery #NeoClassicalGeekRevival #kevincrawford #symbaroum #Hackmaster #BarbariansofLemuria #WHFRP #DuneRPG #trailofcthulhu #theonering #adnd #ryuutama #GoldenSkyStories #AgainstTheDarkmaster #BlackbirdsRPG
For the #TTRPG fans out there.
(h/t @Rolistespod for the format)
Last 5 played
#worldwidewrestlingrpg (i have a monthly tradition with my most adventurous table where we try something brand new to us all, and i have to say this is a new fave.)
Next 5 I want to play
#GetYourGameOn (firebrands yugioh rpg )
#ttrpg #dndduets #deltagreen #worldwidewrestlingrpg #avatarlegends #RodReelandFist #GetYourGameOn #TheBurningWheel #CthulhuD100 #BrindlewoodBay #MasksANewGeneration