About to start this.
All I know is "spooky eldritch cult" which is all I needed to say yes.
Tune in, watch me get spooked.
#HolyFireStreams #TheChant
How has #TheChant by #BrassToken escaped my radar? This looks incredible!
New #YouTube video!
My last review of 2022 and @TheChantGame@twitter.com by @brasstokengames@twitter.com is a survival horror gem that I didn't expect!
Check it out. As ever, RTs appreciated.
Premiers pas sur #TheChant. Pas très captivé par l'ambiance mais il y a suffisamment de mystères pour que j'ai envie d'aller plus loin.
Les combats sont relativement inintéressants pour le moment. J'ai pas l'impression que c'est là où brille le titre.
À voir la suite mais on ne part pas sur un GOTY 2022.
In den aktuellen deutschen Handelsverkaufscharts, ermittelt von GfK Entertainment, machen FIFA 23 und Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II die Spitzenpositionen unter sich aus. Bester Neueinsteiger ist der Horror-Titel #TheChant. https://jpgames.de/2022/11/deutsche-verkaufscharts-call-of-duty-und-fifa-machen-es-unter-sich-aus/
RT @thepixelpost@twitter.com
Mais puisqu'on vous dit qu'Halloween ne s'arrête jamais pour @Zali_Falcam@twitter.com ! Le voici qui vient nous parler de #TheChant :
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/thepixelpost/status/1590298164396888064
I'm about three hours into #TheChant and it's incredible. The atmosphere is unreal with some fantastic scary moments to boot.
But don't just take my word for it, here's a prime example...
See what I did there, #primematter 👀
#TheChant #PrimeMatter #brasstokengames
#TheChant - #PC - #Review unter https://www.pcgamehunters.de/2022/11/05/the-chant/'
Wer auf nicht allzu gruselige Horror-Action-Abenteuer steht, kann sich das Spiel einmal anschauen. Die Story ist ganz nett und das grundsätzliche Spielprinzip macht nichts falsch. Mehr erfahrt ihr im ausführlichen Test.
#horror #action #abenteuer #dämonen #geister #sekte #storydriven #Retreat #tests #test #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #pcgames
#brasstoken #primematter
#TheChant #pc #review #horror #action #Abenteuer #Dämonen #geister #Sekte #storydriven #retreat #tests #test #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #pcgames #BrassToken #PrimeMatter
Are you ready to open your mind and find out who you truly are? #TheChant https://gamesense.co/game/the-chant/news/discuss/the-chant-will-you-awaken-from-this-spiritual-nightmare/
The Chant review: needs more weird - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-chant-review #Indiescovery #PrimeMatter #BrassToken #WotIThink #TheChant #Horror #Indie
#Indiescovery #PrimeMatter #BrassToken #wotithink #TheChant #horror #indie
Es ist #GeforceNow Donnerstag und es gibt wieder eine Menge neuer Games!
S = Steam - E = Epic
#AgainsttheStorm (E + S)
#HorseTalesEmeraldValleyRanch (S, Nov. 3)
#SpaceTailEveryJourneyLeadsHome (S, Nov. 3)
#TheChant (S, Nov. 3)
#TheEntropyCentre (S, Nov. 3)
#WRCGenerations (S, Nov. 3)
#Filament (E, Nov. 3-10)
#RISKGlobalDomination (S)
Zum Blog:
#geforcenow #AgainsttheStorm #HorseTalesEmeraldValleyRanch #SpaceTailEveryJourneyLeadsHome #TheChant #TheEntropyCentre #WRCGenerations #filament #STAROCEANTHEDIVINEFORCE #PAGUI #RISKGlobalDomination #TotalWarTHREEKINGDOMS #cloudgaming #teamcloud
#TheChant, survival horror sobrenatural
Un retir espiritual a una illa aïllada al bell mig d'una estranya comunitat serà l'escenari per a una aventura sobrenatural en 3a persona que, pels mitjans que hi han ficats en la producció del joc, promet força.
#TheChant - Official Story #Trailer
Ok, this #trailer has some serious #SilenHill #horror vibe, reminds me so some movies. Unfortunately, I dom‘t remember their names.
#TheChant #Trailer #SilenHill #horror #cthulhu #CoC #ttrpg