Happy anniversary to Erasure’s album, ‘Circus’. Released this week in 1987. #erasure #erasureinfo #circus #sometimes #itdoesnthavetobe #victimoflove #thecircus
#erasure #erasureinfo #circus #sometimes #itdoesnthavetobe #victimoflove #TheCircus
Happy 35th anniversary to Erasure’s remix album, ‘The Two Ring Circus’. Released this week in 1987. #erasure #erasureinfo #circus #thetworingcircus #sometimes #itdoesnthavetobe #victimoflove #thecircus
#erasure #erasureinfo #circus #thetworingcircus #sometimes #itdoesnthavetobe #victimoflove #TheCircus
Buggin’ me today that the last season of #TheCircus ended exactly at the point of having to handle the only material I was curious whether they’d get right. Now I can’t remember if I ever learned anything from the series or if it was always purely in the entertainment category.