_Towards Liberal Education_, (TLA) a collection of writings, was in the library. It's calming to read it, usually, like Mathew Arnold on the influence of reading "the ancients." #TLA started in 1948. I write in books as I read so I ordered books on-line. I have 3 editions, all different that the library's 3rd ed. But that book ends with _The #BasisOfRenewal_ and got me into #LewisMumford, #TheConditionOfMan and this #TransformationsOfMan pp178-180, (#TransMan?) #Mumford #人間過去現在未来 p.206~ #人類変身歴
#人類変身歴 #人間過去現在未来 #mumford #transman #TransformationsofMan #TheConditionOfMan #LewisMumford #BasisOfRenewal_ #tla
_Towards Liberal Education_, (TLA) a collection of writings, was in the library. It's calming to read it, usually, like Mathew Arnold on the influence of reading "the ancients." #TLA started in 1948. I write in books as I read so I ordered books on-line. I have 3 editions, all different that the library's 3rd ed. But that book ends with _The #BasisOfRenewal_ and got me into #LewisMumford, #TheConditionOfMan and this #TransformationsOfMan, (#TransMan?) #Mumford #人間過去現在未来 #人類変身歴
#人類変身歴 #人間過去現在未来 #mumford #transman #TransformationsofMan #TheConditionOfMan #LewisMumford #BasisOfRenewal_ #tla
> ... the ecological crisis and the debt crisis have everything to do with another... debts are, basically, promises of future productivity.
> The prospect of mass debt cancellation provides us with a unique opportunity to turn that democratic impulse towards a fundamental transformation of values, and towards a genuinely viable accommodation with the earth.
- https://davidgraeber.org/articles/after-the-jubilee/
#DavidGraeber #Debt #Jubilee #DynamicEquilibrium #LewisMumford #TheConditionOfMan #TheBasisOfRenewal
#TheBasisOfRenewal #TheConditionOfMan #LewisMumford #DynamicEquilibrium #jubilee #debt #davidgraeber