> ... the real business of human life is not contributing toward something called “the economy” (a concept that didn’t even exist three hundred years ago), but the fact that we are all, and have always been, projects of mutual creation. #Labor, similarly, should be renegotiated.
- https://thebaffler.com/salvos/a-practical-utopians-guide-to-the-coming-collapse
#DavidGraeber #TheConductofLife
#TheConductofLife #davidgraeber #labor
> ... those who fail to achieve love in marriage and parenthood must be thrice vigilant to compensate that loss in every other relationship by placing it as far as possible within the pattern of the family.
> ... 結婚し、 ひとの親となる合いじょう を成熟できない人たちは、 そのほかのあらゆる関係にできるだけ家庭の基準をおりこませて、 この損失の埋合せをつけるよう、 常人の三倍ほど細心な注意がはらわれならない。
- https://tiksi.net/wiki/bsmall2/GDMWiki/quotes
#LewisMumford #マンフォード #TheConductofLife #人生の知恵 #ConductOfLife
#ConductOfLife #人生の知恵 #TheConductofLife #マンフォード #LewisMumford