When I hear the name IBM, I still think of how they invented calculating machines and very deeply engaged with the Nazis to identify and murder people.
IBM not only *leased* their calculating machines to Nazis - which means IBM constantly sent service personnel to the death camps - but developed methods to calculate how many parts Jew, Roma, Sinti, and other 'Nazi metrics', before selecting you and your entire family for death. The calculating machines only worked on special punch-hole cards that were made and sold exclusively by IBM, to maximise profit.
When the USA entered the Second World War, IBM were informed they had to stop dealing with Germany, IBM circumvented this by simply saying 'well, then we'll no longer sell calculating machines to the U.S. government'. They were allowed to continue doing business with Germany.
This video clip is from the wondrously illuminating documentary 'The Corporation':
The entire documentary: https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=5nFQDQMJARs
P.s. Edwin Black's book 'IBM and the Holocaust' is one that I wholeheartedly recommend to read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_and_the_Holocaust
#IBM #nazi #warcrime #TheCorporation
#documentary #film 2005
THE CORPORATION is a #Canadian documentary film written by Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. The documentary examines the modern-da...
#documentary #film #TheCorporation #canadian