Of course there are #Shadowdark and #TalesOfTheValiant out or coming out soon. But with #Hasbro’s #WotC’s latest scandal, I think people might be interested in adjacent systems or different systems altogether. Here are a few:
#WithoutNumber #SWN #WWN #CWN (B/X-Traveller mash-up) and my personal choice #OSR
#TDE #TheDarkEye for the last 40 years #DasSchwarzeAuge #DSA (English, TDE) has been the most popular #TTRPG in the German speaking world.
#CS #CypherSystem multi-genre contemporary system
#wotc #shadowdark #talesofthevaliant #hasbro #withoutnumber #swn #wwn #cwn #osr #tde #TheDarkEye #dasschwarzeauge #dsa #ttrpg #cs #cyphersystem
Heute schwelge ich erneut ein wenig in Erinnerungen: Neulich ist mir fast ein Malheur passiert, als ich meine CDs durchschaute. Dabei "fiel" mir das Album #Bardensang von Amber & Gefährten in die Hände. Ein Album, das sich mit Themen zu #DasSchwarzeAuge beschäftigt. 🙂
#pnpde #DSA #Rollenspielmusik #TheDarkEye #TDE
#bardensang #dasschwarzeauge #pnpde #dsa #rollenspielmusik #TheDarkEye #tde
1. The first one I ever played, Hm let's see...
Oh, that would have been #DasSchwarzeAuge / #TheDarkEye back in 1998/99 or so.
3rd edition I believe. One of the solo Adventures that came with the Starter Box.
The first one with an GM would have been #cyberpunk2020 somewhen around 2001 I guess.
2. The first one I ever have been GM'ing was #DasSchwarzeAuge / #TheDarkEye the group Adventure that came with the Starter Box back in 1999
#rpgaday2023 #dasschwarzeauge #TheDarkEye #cyberpunk2020
"HAVENA oh na na..." das Lied über die wohl bekannteste Hafenstadt in #Aventurien, der Welt von #DasSchwarzeAuge #DSA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=118Qukw2Z9E
Hier als Service für alle die das Lied auch mal wieder hören wollen (und sich nicht durch zuviele "falsche Treffer" klicken).
Bei der Gelegenheit: Nachdem ich da nichts mehr verkünden oder dafür tun kann: Mehr Liebe für #TheDarkEye #TDE und bitte auch mal wieder News dazu, was neue Produkte angeht, #UlissesSpiele
#Aventurien #dasschwarzeauge #dsa #TheDarkEye #tde #UlissesSpiele
Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for July 9, 2023 - Big #DnD sales plus freebies and deals for #OSR, #AGE, #2d20, #HauntedWest, #HarlemUnbound, plus charity fundraisers for #Pathfinder, #Starfinder, #TheDarkEye, #Warhammer40K and a lot more #TTRPG deals! https://www.enworld.org/threads/freebies-sales-and-charity-bundles-for-july-9-2023.698667/
#DnD #osr #age #2D20 #HauntedWest #HarlemUnbound #pathfinder #starfinder #TheDarkEye #warhammer40k #ttrpg
Check out The Dark Eye MEGA bundle at Bundle of Holding
Get a ton of stuff for Germany's most popular RPG, Das Schwarze Auge.
#Aventuria #TheDarkEye #DSA #DasSchwarzeAuge
So as to not flood the server, we post 99% Unlisted. Be sure to follow for an irregular and sometimes spammy stream of deals!
#Aventuria #TheDarkEye #dsa #dasschwarzeauge
The Dark Eye MEGA bundle: https://bundleofholding.com/presents/DarkEyeMega #rpg #thedarkeye #bundle
That’s the game that got me started with #roleplaying and accompanied me for many wonderful years and which likely saved my life.
#rpg #TheDarkEye #bundle #roleplaying
@mxdshipwreck As a person on the team of the largest German roleplying company, #UlissesSpiele, I feel thiis so much. People playing a game like #TheDarkEye, out and continuously running since 1984, with #Aventuria as a living world, and some still demand that nothing should ever change and past rulebooks should contain everything done in the future...
#UlissesSpiele #TheDarkEye #Aventuria
I lost a some followers the other day. Let's see what else is possible in this regard.
Tackling golden calves when they mercilessly milk fans (#DSA #TheDarkEye #DarkEye) or naming repetitive, uninspired crap of the #DnD / #OSR scene is part of it! The current #d20 bubble is one of the most repulsive I've come across in the #ttrpg hobby in several decades....
#dsa #TheDarkEye #DarkEye #dnd #osr #d20 #ttrpg
Yes, #UlissesSpiele is still on board the #ORC train, which means #TORGeterniity #FadingSuns and the largest classic EU fantasy #ttrpg #TheDarkEye (underperforming but present in the US) will be there, with their different mechanics. Potentially their other properties like #LandOfOG or StrangeOwl's #Space1889 (under license from Ulisses Spiele) @rwhe @Lane @Chaosium @ttrpg
#UlissesSpiele #orc #torgeterniity #FadingSuns #ttrpg #TheDarkEye #landofog #space1889
#UlissesSpiele hat übrigens unwissentlich und ungefragt zum Training von AI-Textbots wie ChatGPT beigetragen, vor allem mit der kompletten US-Webseite, aber auch mit dem #thedarkeye Regelwiki. Wir dürfen also #ChatGPT jetzt einen the-dark-eye-bot nennen.
Mit 230K liegt Ulisses-US übrigens nicht weit hinter #WotC (240K), aber hinter #DnDBeyond (300K). Und die MyraPedia von #ProjektMyra wurde tatsächlich auch verwendet (2.4K).
Quelle: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/interactive/2023/ai-chatbot-learning/
#UlissesSpiele #TheDarkEye #chatgpt #wotc #dndbeyond #projektmyra
@sydneybrokeit If you were a RIFTS fan, you might become a #TORG / #TORGeternity fan. TORG is going to be under the ORC license as well, like all #UlissesSpiele games, including SciFantasy #FlashingBlades and their fantasy flagship #TheDarkEye @rwhe @Chaosium @ttrpg
#torg #torgeternity #UlissesSpiele #flashingblades #TheDarkEye
Allerdings glaube ich, dass #UlissesSpiele davon profitieren könnte, über eine spielweltoffene Variante von #dasschwarzeauge nachzudenken, für die man sich eigene Welten ausdenken kann. Gerade die US-Spielszene, scheint das ja so gewohnt zu sein und schreckt deswegen evtl. vor #TheDarkEye zurück. Außerdem ginge es natürlich gut mit Ulisses Move einher, DSA unter die #orclicense zu stellen. Weil so mehr Creatoes Content für #DSA schaffen können: #DSAbeyond?
#UlissesSpiele #dasschwarzeauge #TheDarkEye #orclicense #dsa #dsabeyond
@depea Working at #UlissesSpiele and currently working on making the ORC work for older game versions as well, legally speaking, I am aware. But glad that more people are aware of the Ulisses efforts for the #ORC - #TheDarkEye can benefit it the ORC gets people to write expansions for it.
#UlissesSpiele #orc #TheDarkEye
Leichte Abend-Lektüre: The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide, by James D'Amato. Prompte and activities to create the most interesting story for your character. #ttrpg #pnpde #dnd5e #opendnd #Pathfinder2e #TheDarkEye #DasSchwarzeAuge #DSA5 #bookstodon
#ttrpg #pnpde #dnd5e #opendnd #pathfinder2e #TheDarkEye #dasschwarzeauge #DSA5 #bookstodon
@armoredkitten check out The Dark Eye if you never tried it before: https://ulisses-us.com/games/tde/
It's been translated in English only a few years ago and now there's a fair amount of material available for it.
Quickstart rules are free and the core rule bookis in the current non-OGL bundle-of-holding. #TheDarkEye
In the meantime: #TheDarkEye TDE has a great campaign world with #Aventuria, exists in many European languages besides German - currently in the Non-OGL #bundleofholding - quickstart free here: http://cutt.ly/TDE-Quickstart
#TheDarkEye #Aventuria #bundleofholding
@vagrant @PhilosopherZeus love #TheDarkEye #FantasyAGE #ModernAGE #StarsWithoutNumber #SWN #WorldsWithoutNumber #WWN and to boot Green Ronin has a creators agreement that allows indie creators to publish content.
#TheDarkEye #fantasyage #ModernAGE #starswithoutnumber #swn #WorldsWithoutNumber #wwn
@GenericGamesNZ @bradjmurray have you tried #TheDarkEye TDE - a game with nearly 40 years on the market (dominant in Germany, translation into French, Dutch, Russian, of course English) and for that game world #Aventuria there is also a massive card game DE/EN, (next EN Kickstarter coming soon) and 200 novels in German waiting to be translated & read? All by #UlissesSpiele the friendly company that brought #TORGeternity and #FadingSuns #ttrpg, own #Space1889 and more (and me during work hours)
#TheDarkEye #Aventuria #UlissesSpiele #torgeternity #FadingSuns #ttrpg #space1889