begets authority. Left to its own devices, authority will swallow up entire societies and everything in them.

Introduce "just a small amount" of authority, and it will create more authority to preserve its own existence, which will create more authority to create its own existence, which will create more...

An authority structure cannot be checked by anything from within the structure. Such a "check" would threaten the continued existence of the authority, while requiring the authority in order to function. They must be dismantled by the parts of the that they have not yet incorporated into themselves.

The hierarchies of our lives have hold of a great many aspects of our society, but not quite everything. They hide it well, often in plain sight, while attacking and threatening it with all their might. They meet every step of the way, and sometimes the resistance wins. We need to find these places and hold fast to them.

I don't believe that it's possible to totally and permanently eradicate . But I do believe that it's possible for anarchist to succeed, to reclaim society from hierarchy, to live free from its grasp and flourish as a society like never even imagined before while doing it. But hierarchy will always be a part of our , and its return in new forms will always be a threat to be vigilant of. Even a fully anarchist without a single or would still be an evolving, open, revolutionary world, in active defiance of hierarchy, if it is to remain free. This is the message of , by .

#authority #society #resistance #hierarchy #revolution #historical #memory #world #state #capitalist #enterprise #TheDispossessed #ursulakleguin

Last updated 1 year ago

LordWoolamaloo · @LordWoolamaloo
626 followers · 1674 posts · Server

New literary earrings from Cavatica Boutique on @Etsy , Ursula Le Guin, a Left Hand of Darkness & The Dispossessed book cover. Arrived beautifully wrapped & with wee badge of Left Hand too, lovely touch.

#bookstodon #TheDispossessed #lefthandofdarkness #UrsulaLeGuin #etsy #sciencefiction #livres #books #jewelry

Last updated 1 year ago

Bohemian Peasant · @BohemianPeasant
43 followers · 1091 posts · Server


Some trivia. Late in life, Le Guin revealed the relationship between "Malafrena" and "The Dispossessed" as literary siblings —she was working on both novels about the same time, cross-pollinating one with the other.

#TheDispossessed #books #ursulakleguin

Last updated 1 year ago

Petrichor · @sinabhfuil
549 followers · 2420 posts · Server

I love 's about an planet and its moon, a planet - not gone on her other books

#fantasy #ursulaleguin #TheDispossessed #anarchist #capitalist

Last updated 2 years ago

Tony Pennino · @beatnikprof
555 followers · 793 posts · Server
rusty · @mativity
109 followers · 365 posts · Server

@TheSupercargo I can read any Le Guin and enjoy it. She's such a wordsmith, everything crafted and no superfluous words. But yes, and Left Hand of Darkness are masterpieces.

Renault, I have read all her works in the past, and return to one of her historical novels every five years or so, but find her language interactions irritating now. Though The King Must Die series avoids that. But I love being able to live into ancient Athens and philosophical debate, which is why I chose Last of the Wine.


Last updated 2 years ago

James St. Andre · @StAndre
61 followers · 56 posts · Server

On the show entitled “Why Do We Work So Damn Much?”, Klein discusses the work of anthropologist , who argues that overcoming scarcity does not necessarily make us happy, because happiness is tied to wants, not needs.
This is a great example of how literature is often decades ahead of academia, because it is the central thesis of ’s 1974 / novel .

#TheDispossessed #utopian #sciencefiction #ursulaleguin #JamesSuzman #EzraKlein

Last updated 2 years ago

Alix · @alix
40 followers · 53 posts · Server

@derek Also that doing your share of /‘drudgery’ is a way to show that you’re part of the community and pull your weight. In their courtship: “Shevek was glad he had done his share of kleggich, for Takver was contemptuous of people who evaded physical labor.”

#kleggich #leguin #TheDispossessed

Last updated 2 years ago

Asier Iturralde :ahobizi: · @aldatsa
511 followers · 5137 posts · Server

Mirene Begiristainen artikulu oso interesgarria Berrian:
​k planeta salbatu dezake

Ursula Kroeber Le Guinen irakurrita daukat, baina aipatzen dituen gainerakoak ez: utopien etorkizuna irudikatzen duten hainbat euskal idazleren ipuin laburren bilduma, Marge Piercyren , Layla Martinezen ...

#zientziafikzioa #TheDispossessed #ZirriborroakEtaGero #WomanOnTheEdgeOfTime #UtopíaNoEsUnaIsla

Last updated 4 years ago

nudism as an illegalism · @somenudist
145 followers · 365 posts · Server

I should read again

it's so good


Last updated 4 years ago

2ck 🌧️🌈🍂 · @2ck
122 followers · 2909 posts · Server

There's a turn in where Shevek realises the society of his affluent and welcoming hosts on Urras are masking the harsher realities of the common people. There's a similar transition in The Left Hand of Darkness when Genly is kidnapped and imprisoned.


Last updated 4 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
155 followers · 5782 posts · Server

A fantastic novel, and a thoughtful exploration of what a stable, large-scale anarchocommunist society could look like, including some of the less pretty parts.

The prose itself is just fantastic, and LeGuin does a phenomenal job of conveying the confusion and culture shock of a lifelong anarchist being gently introduced into a capitalist/statist society (did it ever say what type of government A-Io actually had? I can't remember now…).

I was a bit disappointed by the abruptness and placement of the ending, but I think that's typical in books I really enjoy - I always want more.

#SFFBookClub #UrsulaLeGuin #TheDispossessed

Last updated 4 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
155 followers · 5782 posts · Server

There is nothing you can do that profit does not enter into, and fear of loss, and the wish for power. You cannot say good morning without knowing which of you is ‘superior’ to the other, or trying to prove it. You cannot act like a brother to other people, you must manipulate them, or command them, or obey them, or trick them. You cannot touch another person, yet they will not leave you alone. There is no freedom.

#SFFBookClub #UrsulaLeGuin #TheDispossessed

Last updated 4 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
155 followers · 5782 posts · Server

The enduring, the reliable, is a promise made by the human mind.

#SFFBookClub #UrsulaLeGuin #TheDispossessed

Last updated 4 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
155 followers · 5782 posts · Server

It was easy to share when there was enough, even barely enough, to go round. But when there was not enough? Then force entered in; might making right; power, and its tool, violence, and its most devoted ally, the averted eye.

#SFFBookClub #UrsulaLeGuin #TheDispossessed

Last updated 4 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
155 followers · 5782 posts · Server

You can go home again, the General Temporal Theory asserts, so long as you understand that home is a place where you have never been.

#SFFBookClub #UrsulaLeGuin #TheDispossessed

Last updated 4 years ago

Tak! · @Tak
155 followers · 5782 posts · Server

I love that the toilet is a "shitstool"

#SFFBookClub #UrsulaLeGuin #TheDispossessed

Last updated 4 years ago