Die Wendungen und Winkelzüge der Elizabeth Holmes bieten sicher ausreichend Material für eine zweite Staffel von "The Dropout". 🥴
#ElizabethHolmes #Theranos #TheDropout #Startup #Betrug
(Bild: US-Kriegsministerium/Glenn Fawcett (gemeinfrei))
#betrug #startup #TheDropout #theranos #elizabethholmes
Jesus. This totally reminds me of Elizabeth Holmes / The Dropout.
#Tesla #theranos #elizabethholmes #TheDropout #ElonMusk
I guess if this were the 90s or early 00s, video rental stores would have shelves for grifter and con artist movies. I have yet to see the We Work movie, but so far really liked The Dropout and Inventing Anna. Strong Fargo vibes.
Just finished The Dropout. Wow what a story. 🤯 Can’t help but think of all the people who enabled Elizabeth Holmes. On the one hand the story is just unbelievable, but on the other hand I bet it actually happens all the time with male startup founders and you just never hear about it.
I’m up to ep 5 of The Dropout and I had no idea the Elizabeth Holmes story was that crazy.
@heikkm Toinen valtavan kiinnostava: tapaus #Theranos ja Elizabeth Holmes.
Vallankumouksellinen verikoemenetelmä, jonka piti mullistaa terveysbisnes. Isot rahat ja kaikki huijausta.
Tykkäsin tästä podina #TheDropout
I finished #TheDropout on the Disney channel today. It was such an interesting series. Being in Europe, I never heard of Theranos or Elizabeth Holmes until I watched this series. But oh boy, what a scam the whole thing was, playing with people lives. And that fake deep voice… 🤦🏻♀️
I have been thoroughly enjoying these new series about #milennials and their start ups. I LOVED #InventingAnna, then #WeCrashed and now I’m really enjoying #TheDropout. I never watched the Zuckerberg one though, that’s because I hate FB with a vengeance.
I wonder if anyone will now make a film about the rise and fall of #Twitter ?
#Twitter #TheDropout #WeCrashed #InventingAnna #milennials
迪士尼上架 The Dropout 創造安娜科技新創版ver.
RT @TheDropoutHulu@twitter.com
TOMORROW #TheDropout
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheDropoutHulu/status/1499082114582601738
RT @RebeccaJarvis@twitter.com
Are you ready?
New episodes start Aug 31 - jury selection - day one of the criminal trial of Elizabeth Holmes.