Das #Anime #Streaming Programm für Sonntag, den 27.08.
Heute u.a. mit #ClassroomForHeroes, #MushokuTensei und #TheDukeofDeathandHisMaid!
#TheDukeOfDeathAndHisMaid #mushokutensei #classroomforheroes #streaming #anime
Das #Anime #Streaming Programm für Sonntag, den 30.07.
Neue Folgen von #TheDukeofDeathandHisMaid, #MushokuTensei und #OnePiece!
#onepiece #mushokutensei #TheDukeOfDeathAndHisMaid #streaming #anime
Das #Anime #Streaming Programm für Sonntag, den 23.07.
Heute mit den vier vorerst letzten Folgen von #NierAutomata, sowie neuen Folgen von #Zom100, #TheDukeofDeathandHisMaid und #MushokuTensei!
#mushokutensei #TheDukeOfDeathAndHisMaid #zom100 #nierautomata #streaming #anime
#Crossovers #CrossoverFanfiction #ZatchBell #KonjikiNoGashBell #TheDukeOfDeathAndHisMaid #ShinigamiBocchanToKuroMaid #Hetalia
It's a crossover AU fanfiction that no one did not ask for. It featured the canon characters from Zatch Bell, The Duke of Death and His Maid, and other anime/manga and video game series that aren't tagged. The links to the chapters are below this tweet.
#hetalia #ShinigamiBocchanToKuroMaid #TheDukeOfDeathAndHisMaid #konjikinogashbell #zatchbell #crossoverfanfiction #crossovers