“On may 6th, in London, a man will be given a hat. He has never seemed that keen on this hat.“
Summing things up nicely. #TheEconomist #ManGivenHat
“But the fact that authors wrote a whole paper about emigration from the South while apparently unable to find it on a map says enough.”
#Racism #theEconomist #migration
#racism #TheEconomist #migration
Το άρθρο του Economist είναι μία ευσύνοπτη εισαγωγή για το νέο #Πολυκεντρικό_Μουσείο_Αιγών. Διαβάζοντάς το και κατόπιν γράφοντας το κείμενο του link δεν μπορούσα να πω ποιό στοιχείο του υπερέχει: το ολιστικό σκεπτικό του, το οικοδόμημα ή η νέα θεώρηση της αρχαίας ιστορίας που θέτει με το έργο της η A. Κοτταρίδη. Και τα τρία, όμως, είναι σχεδόν απλά, και απτά. Γι' αυτό το νέο μουσείο είναι συγκλονιστικό #TheEconomist #TheBooksJournal #TBJ #archeology #museums #culture
#πολυκεντρικό_μουσείο_αιγών #archeology #museums #TheEconomist #thebooksjournal #tbj #culture
Exciting news in the search for a treatment for #Alzheimers. Perhaps more exciting some (limited) evidence that we might understand how the disease works. #health #neurology #TheEconomist https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2022/11/30/a-drug-for-alzheimers-disease-that-seems-to-work
#alzheimers #health #neurology #TheEconomist
Damningly true satire. How to make the most of #LinkedIN #TheEconomist https://www.economist.com/business/2022/12/20/how-to-make-the-most-of-linkedin
😂 seems rather unlikely #TheEconomist #ThingsThatArePossibleButUnlikely https://www.economist.com/britain/2022/12/26/what-if-things-in-britain-go-right-next-year
#TheEconomist #thingsthatarepossiblebutunlikely
#TheEconomist reports on the massive scale of the #illegal #narcotics business in Europe, particularly in Antwerp, Belgium.
The Chief Police in charge acknowledges the unlimited capacity of the #EuropeanNarcos to convince or coerce authorities, lawyers and banks to do their will.
The problem is far more complex that what people think.
#TheEconomist #illegal #narcotics #EuropeanNarcos
L’effimero governo di Liz #Truss passerà alla storia come sinonimo di fallimento per l’iniquo tentativo di riforma fiscale, il crollo della sterlina e dei conservatori nei sondaggi. #TheEconomist invece non si smentisce affatto e rispolvera i soliti cliché sull’Italia.
#Truss #TheEconomist #ridicoli
RT @strankaSDS: .@JJansaSDS: 🇸🇮 je med zmagovalkami gospodarskega odgovora na epidemijo. Ne samo v Evropi, ampak na svetu. To so podatki OECD-ja, objavil jih je #TheEconomist, #mainstrem mediji so se zelo trudili, da so jih zamolčali. Samo Danska je pred nami, vse ostale države so za nami.